holy hell, are you still yammering about this??? You must really have a lack of pertinent issues to deal with if you're hung up on this.
gekitsu wrote:
why would you see people who bought into the thoughts back in the eighties who are still around, still dressing up and still having a good time? a lot of teens have a goth phase, but that doesnt make goth a phase.
a phase for the
individual, not a phase for people on a whole.
gekitsu wrote:
jeans/sweaters/t-shirts are no "ordinary/general clothes that never go out of style".
Do yourself a favor and go out into the world today. Witness the percentage of people dressing like Edward scissorhands vs. poster-people for the Gap or any other ordinary,
mainstream clothing store. mainstream. work with me here. the people walking the streets are not just strangely without group/style association, they choose to avoid the dips and troughs of fads they'll regret in 20 years when shown pictures of their past ridiculousness.
gekitsu wrote:
i dont know where you live and what the goth epicenter there is supposed to look like, but judging from some of your statements, you dont really know what you're talking about.
Is that your argument??? That you don't know anything, but I don't know what I'm talking about?
Good to know. Enjoy your phase. *thumbs up*