SpaceCase wrote: PARENTS on the other hand are a different matter...they can't accpet the
fact that I'm a bisexual Goth.They're like,"Homosexuals are going to hell,and goths are evil."I told them,"Just because you wear all black doesn't mean you're evil!GET OVER IT!And just WHAT makes you think God hates us homosexuals?He loves EVERYBODY!"(I'm a Gothic Christian.)Thye're still an issue.
Sooooo...what about y'all?Do you feel like you can't be accepted as yuo are?Stories welcome.
This is not an abstract question but what is defined as a Christian? Someone who believes just only believe in Jesus and God, someone who follows some of the bible(maybe excluding the old testiment) or someone who follows all of the bible.There are many rule in bible that has been either broken because it is in practical to follow because they would break many law in most democratic countries or ignore because of more liberal thinking.
There is no rule that would dictate what rules should be followed literally and one that should not be taken literally.
It is said and generally excepted that one should not have sex before marriage, but oohh no now the hypocritical NTs want to have their fornication and dictating to you that you should not commit acts of homosexuality.
Don’t confuse me with a liberal or someone who wants to be considered fair. If you believe in god, then you must except the fact that there is a War fought against the Evil and it is your job to help out any way you can and any thought of fairness should not compromise the war efforts in favour of the Evil.