I hate it. I tend to, at home, only answer if I know the number on the LED display, or if the caller leaves a message, and sometimes not even then. When I dial out, I hope to get the machine and not a real person. I usually have to steel myself up in order to use it at all in a non-work environment. At work I have to use the cursed thing, but in general those conversations are very rote after awhile - eg I am looking for a fax number, or a piece of information, etc. I had to learn not to saythingsinonebigjumblewhenIaminahurrytohangup because it prolongs the agony when people say "what?! !? What did you say?! !? I don't understand you!! !". Its embarrassing when the person at the other end starts giving advice on how I should talk too, sigh. So I talk extra slowly.
I love e-mail, although I have had moments where I have thought people need to be taught etiquette - announcing a death in the family in the subject line, for instance. That is tacky. Or, perhaps a dear e-jane letter like I received from the ex-husband. That was pushing good taste as well. Actually, I handled almost my whole divorce on line, it was very strange, but oddly very me.
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"