EgaoNoGenki wrote:
To the first: I think it's so I wouldn't try so hard to pretend to be someone better than I really am. A Wiganese Brit told me that I seem to approach a social situation like a big ... exam. I'll probably get more relaxed and not so tense about socializing anymore.
Also, I can then talk more openly about anything that I wouldn't like to talk about while holding up the "mask" I've been trying to hold. Instead of keeping my lack of understanding of certain social situations to myself anymore, I can ask about their meanings, etc.
To the second: The others will wonder "Why's he joining all those Asperger's groups all of a sudden? Oh wait, he's got Asperger's, does he?"
Thanks for the response! How you answered my first question makes sense to me.
As for your answer to the second question, I have to ask...
Will these people actually care if you have AS or not? I think that those friends who don't know you outside of Facebook most likely do not know what AS is, and probably don't care. If they've never met you, it's likely they won't understand, even if you did tell them. They're the "goodtime" friends, they're just around for fun and to chat. You'll know who they are, because when it comes to the more serious conversations they run away or are evasive, and are unreliable in times of need. Goodtime friends quite honestly don't care about you very much, and won't care to even read your notes on AS. They'll just care that you're not a murderer and you're fun to have a beer with. If you have any real friends on Facebook, then those people are the ones who will care about your AS, and it's probably good to inform and educate them about AS. The question though is just how many of your ~510 Facebook friends fall under the "goodtime friend" category, and how many are real dependable friends?
At any rate, I think you will be able to learn something if you do in fact make the post, just keep in mind that some lessons don't turn out the way we think they will, and some schooling (though not all) involves hard knocks. Hoping for the best!
Won't you help a poor little puppy?