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26 Dec 2010, 3:53 pm

NadineWolfe wrote:
My name is NadineWolfe, although I have many names. I am a Deadpan Snarker, Ineffectual Loner who constantly feels like she is Surrounded By Idiots, although this may have something to do with being Not Good With People. I am part of a Dysfunction Junction group and generally qualify as the local Jerkass, although sometimes I manage to be the Jerkass with a Heart of Gold despite constantly dropping Cluster F bombs and (apparently) being a Consummate Liar with a knack for Sarcastic Confessions. I have a lot of issues; being an aspie is just the tip of the iceberg.

Video Games
Writing stories, songs and poetry
Tvtropes (clearly)

Hello Nadine, nice to meet you :)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.? - Jimi Hendrix

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Sea Gull

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28 Dec 2010, 10:22 am

I guess I'll give this a shot. I like having new friends.

I'm Amber, I'm 17, almost 18, I live in Florida.

My interests are varied, but my most prominent interests are music, history, politics, human and civil rights, old stuff (clothes, houses, ect.), and medical stuff.

Some of my favorite shows are South Park, House, Futurama, The Simpsons, Jerseylicious, Family Guy, and American Dad.

Musicwise I'm fond of 10,000 Maniacs, Natalie Merchant, Mazzy Star, Rasputina, Tori Amos, July Skies, Beirut, and well, I should probably direct you to my profile.

History wise, I'm interest in 19th and 20th century history.

I would add more, but I want to go do something else, so if you want to know more about me, my home page would probably be a good start. *points at www button*


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28 Dec 2010, 3:08 pm

Hello everyone.

I'm Maddy, and I've just turned 17. I live in the UK. I have suspicions that I have Asperger's Syndrome and I am going to be sorting out a diagnosis when I go back to school after the holidays, with the help of my school counsellor. I have some issues, but who doesn't?

I'm at school studying English, French, Politics and Philosophy. I play the violin (but not very well, and I don't really enjoy it that much), and I am a member of a string orchestra. My hobbies include reading, researching random things on the internet, and going out with my friends. I'm not into sport at all but I used to be an avid gym...go-er, and I'm hoping to start that up again in the new year. I'm very academic and have been told I am a talented writer, but I am very critical of my own writing. I mostly write poetry nowadays, but I don't think highly of it. I love listening to a wide variety of music, and going to gigs.

I have Facebook and MSN, so if you want to talk sometime, feel free to PM me. I'm not opposed to making online friends who live thousands of miles away from me. I don't think one can ever have too many friends. :)

"There is no wealth like intelligence and no poverty harsher than ignorance."

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Dec 2010, 8:30 pm

So... hi, my name is Y. I am living in Texas USA right now but I'm originally from Hong Kong. I'm 18 year old. College freshman. My favorite classes in school are philosophy, physics and art appreciation, I prefer hanging out in small groups over big crowds. I like intellectual conversations about almost everything. I think I am socially challenged but I am a good actress and I follow rules that I developed from social experience over the years so most people won't really know that I'm any different in most social settings, but I find it hard to have meaningful deep relationship with other people. It's easier for me to make friends with adults than peers most of the time.
I am good at abstract thinking.
I like movies. Pleasantvile, milk and Harold and Maude are some of my favorites.
I have been trying to start a movie review blog. I am moving to a new place currently so I've also been pretty busy finding furniture and stuff.
I like meeting people of any kind from anywhere. Pm me if you want to be friends. I have msn and YM.


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21 Jan 2011, 3:38 am

Salve, sum James....

Hello, I am James.
I am fifteen. I live in Wales. (Sorry, not very good at writing about myself). I have several interests at the moment. At the moment it is learning the C programing language. If anybody could help me out on the basic syntax of if and else tests that would be great. I am diagnosed with Aspergers, ADD and Dyspraxia. i can't remember much of my earlier life (aged 9) or below. I prefer to make friends with those older than me. I also enjoy learning about any part of Linux. be it the role of the rc.* scripts or the role of cron. I am home educated. This year I am hoping to take my Maths, Bible study and Human Biology IGCSE. Next year I have the worst subject in history>>>english.
How can you mark down someone for spelling when they can hardly spell???? At the end of this year I am doing a OU course on Linux system administration. I like organizing things. If mum where on this forum (she might be for all i know..) she would tell you I re-orgonize my room every day or even twice a day when I am stressed. I like listening to a variety of music. PM me if you wish to talk. I have 4 friends all of which have aspergers, autism, adhd,... My facebook is James Brimer.
(Avatar with the funny pengiun)


If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein

- Cruch Bang Linux.


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22 Jan 2011, 3:21 am

:) Hi I am a 16 year old boy who lives in London and am at college -Media/Art

I love 80's music/long walks/books/movies and Manga.I have just joined a gym!
Would like to make some friends online-its easier than face to face


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23 Jan 2011, 11:27 am

I'm Adam, a 15 year old male living in Pennsylvania. Newly joined, hopefully I make some friends!

I enjoy long talks about intellectual topics. If they end in debates, then I usually learn something new. I'm planning on getting a Ph.D in Psychology, but for now I'm just a high school freshman. Hoping to make some friends on here!

Anyone interested in starting a conversation on PM? I'm interested in a lot of different music, my favorite recent reading is Handle With Care by Jodi Coulton, and my favorite movie is Spirited Away. :)


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24 Jan 2011, 11:04 am

My name's Jolly (Hey! Don't laugh at my real name :D)
I enjoy talking to people about random stuffs. I live far from you and i'm pretty sure of that. I love "intelligent talks" even though I'm not intelligent cuz i love learning stuffs from people online. Just add me up :D

?We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.?


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29 Jan 2011, 6:05 am

Hi. I'm Alexey, and I live in Mexico, though it is not my country of origin.
I turned 17 on November, and I think I have a nice gift or something, because it is very easy for me to learn languages. I can speak English, Spanish and Italian fluently, and I am now working on German.
I also like Mathematics a lot, and Physics. But something I've always wanted is a group of friends and after school, when I have something to tell, I can just right away tell it to them, and we joke and everything, but I can't do it outside. I don't mind others being NT's or having different likes or opinions, everybody's welcome to be my friend.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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03 Feb 2011, 2:36 am

Hoy~ I'm Paula, 15, living in New Zealand for now. Diagnosed with AS. Joined WrongPlanet a while but but only just started getting active again (starting with this post.)

I'm studying in high school and... like languages? Can speak Tagalog, English and Japanese and am learning Swedish and Dutch.
Don't know what else to type. Uhm, I am very much interested in anime and manga and love sciences, sort-of a member of the school string quartet.

My interest vary; they're currently anything involving steampunk, photography and forensic pathology.


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03 Feb 2011, 2:52 am

starman wrote:
:) Hi I am a 16 year old boy who lives in London and am at college -Media/Art

I love 80's music/long walks/books/movies and Manga.I have just joined a gym!
Would like to make some friends online-its easier than face to face

Welcome! Liking the Laguna avatar, FF8 is my favorite game of all time. 8)

jamiethesilent wrote:
Salve, sum James....

Salvē, mihi nōmen est James....

Fixed it for you. :wink:

Carnione wrote:
I'm studying in high school and... like languages? Can speak Tagalog, English and Japanese and am learning Swedish and Dutch.

Hoi Paula! Hoe gaat het met jou? Welkom bij WrongPlanet! My hobby is languages too. 8)

Und Willkommen bei WrongPlanet Alexey!


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04 Feb 2011, 7:01 am

Hi! I'm 17 year old girl. Some of my interests include...

Computers (Windows and occasionaly Linux)
Video Games (Mostly Nintendo consoles)
Theatre (Watching shows and managing tickets and concessions.)
Film Making (Youtube with few viewers :( )

At school I am a member of the International Thespian Society (Theatre Troupe) and am webmaster. I am also a member of DECA. I am a strong Christian and very liberal on most views, so I am not in agreeance with most Churches which is part of the reason I don't attend often.

I enjoy talking to anyone so message me if you would like to chat or ask me a question.


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07 Feb 2011, 2:58 am

I am 17 year old guy and I am from Vancouver Canada. Anyone else form Vancouver Canada? The lower mainland?


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07 Feb 2011, 1:48 pm

Little side note.. I'm not good at introductions XD

Hi my name is Glenn, I'm a 17 years old male from denmark with a seroius passion for heavy metal but I enjoy many kinds of music and I'm not a metal tard or aleast i don't think I'm :wink: I were always fasinated by martial arts and reasonly tried out taekwondo it wasn't really my thing though sadly but that doesn't mean mean I don't wanna try other arts in the future. To sum up some of my interests up, Tekken, dc and marvel comics, animals, cars, anime, only some times though, silly stuff

Anyways I was hoping to get to know people maybe making some friends and sharing some experince with fellow aspies so just send me a pm sometime or else I will send you one instead :twisted:


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06 Mar 2011, 5:12 pm

My names Eddie, I am 15 years old, And I am from England :)

I like metal/rock, mostly depressive but I quite like other types too. I do Thai boxing and volunteer work, and I play vidya games and surf the web in my downtime.

If anyone wants to know anything else, just hit me up! :D

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Tufted Titmouse

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21 Mar 2011, 10:38 am

I suck at talking about myself BUT...

I'm Violet and I'm 18 years old. I live in ghettotown, USA (central florida, rather) and have a part time job as a cashier. I like reading comic books, watching documentaries and the history channel, smoking pot, playing pretend, and romping in the grass. Nature is my passion. If I could, I would spend each and every day outside in the forest, at the beach, or in a garden. Plants, insects, and animals are a huge interest of mine. I try to enjoy all that Earth gives and I have little regard for materialistic things.

Most of the time though, I'm stuck inside. I mostly play video games, watch documentaries, read National Geographic, or just look up random articles in the internet about my interests. If I had a person who loved being outdoors as much as I do, I'd be outside more often :/

I like a lot of different types of music from techno to anything with accordion or french horns in it. I'm a really nice person.. really quirky.. Can't accurately describe it. I'm one of those sweet girls who couldnt hurt a fly. I'm very shy and it takes me about 3/4 of a year for me to get nice and comfortable with people