Being bulled is bad. Being a bully is bad. Bulling is unethical and unaccepted by law.
Said that "not everything that blink is gold and not everything that stink is ..."
Bulling is a common way of being of NT due mainly to "fear of the different". Fear of the different is something ANY animal has and is a "survival" tecnic achiv by nature to protect "species integrity".
Bulling is a way to establish social hierarchy, the "bull" is usually the class leader or someone who want to appear strong.
Bulling is something that may happen with misunderstanding of other people feeling and ideas so it's a reply to you from an NT people who feel (in a different way) bullied by you.
Being bullied is something really bad but if you can reach a "wide" prospective it can help you grow up and understand people. Let me explain, I'm born with a 0 natural empaty for people (I feel others problem but not others reaction) and I always was very intelligent (I was also small and red haired, now I'm not small at all but still red haired ). I never tried to hide out my intelligence and it usually make people ungry, I don't know why it hurts people but I know that because I was bullied about it for years. Now I try to not "ridicolize" people with my brain (unless I want to do it for a reason), If no-one bullied me I'll probably still do that and I could have been a worst person.
I explain again. Bulling is bad and no-one deverve it, but sometimes it works (I'm optimistic by nature, hopefully).
Also when you understand how an NT mind work you can work-around-it. I think that an Aspe can reach very high value of mind-manipulation on normal people if he train it-self in it. At least for me it seems that once you found the key NT are easyier, their mind follow pattern (different from ours) but still pattern, usually more simple one.
Actually after being bullied for 5 years, I went to gym, get trained in martial arts (I'm not that good but nevertheless), take a new wardrobe with the help of the few friend because for me trend is something unexistant and started working on human minds, kikked a pair of stupid guys who bullied me in the past, stayied with some stupid women (just to see that it was actually far easier than I thinked about). Strange tick, space out: "Oh, I'm just under drug", NT expecially adolescents thinks that strange think (like drugs) are cool, but it's possible to work it out like an animal. After 2 years I was one of the most popular guy in my town. I don't liked it, changed town with university and started to be "more like myself". But it was a great experiment.