Thank you 314159. NT's response brought up an ire in me that I could not quite get a fix on and you put it perfectly in the slug. I really hate being told how simple things are, like the cure for being depressed is "cheer up!"
I'm told I'm intimidating when first met but now at this job for 3 years they are used to me so I am sort of able to 'act normal' at work, I'll even joke once and a while but if there's a bad whiff in the air, I go poker face and they don't come to my office all day. I am sooo not anxiety ridden, for me it's mostly that I have a hair trigger that I try to hide. The best I can do is keep a poker face and verbalize in the affirmative.
Now back to Chainsawswinger;
The difference between lies and tact I get (some hard lessons learned there)
I do understand that you are trying to be helpful but here's at least my thinking when I hear the superfluous verbage you advocate. (and I do know that it is considered 'just being polite' to NTs but to me it's a waste of energy.
Example -
Retail Sales Associate: "Hi, how are you?"
You: "Good." (Lie 1) Right! we all know that and we keep doing it. I do it under duress, mumbling.
Example -
You're with a date. You really, really want to eat at Sushi Bar.
Date: "So what place did you have in mind?"
You: "Well, I was thinking of this new sushi place - the food's supposed to be incredible. But I'm open to suggestions. What are you in the mood for?" (Lie 2)
Yeah, and you just told the guy that if he's a wife beater, you're up for it because you have no opinions of your own. Well, I'll get right on that wishy washy crud.
Example -
Your kid shows you a messy crayon drawing.
Kid: "mommy/daddy!! Look at my ART!"
You: "ooooh, that's *beautiful*" (lie 3)
It's a KID give them a break, never ask 'what is it', Say "I like the colors!"
Kid: "do you think I could ever be famous one day?"
You: "Of course, doll!" (lie 4 & 5 ... one lie for the "yes", one lie for calling a human a "doll" )
Lie 4 is not a lie, I was told I would never amount to anything, you could at least say nothing, fact is, they actually COULD if THEY wanted to.[b]
Lie 5? I never figured out that names thing but I have to admit it does sound welcoming and in that it does appear friendlier than most although I could never do it.
See what I mean?
I get what you're trying to say, it's just that my brain reacts with logic before anything else.
I am open to discussions, conversation, with anyone-anytime to preserve vestiges of sanity. Please IM or PM. At nearly 100 yrs of age, I have much wisdom and stupidity to offer.