All my "heroes" and inspirations as a child were loner characters, though I never thought of why.
I loved conan, and used to run around with a plastic sword by myself..
For some reason I had an arnold schwarzenegger obsession stemming from that until like the age of 12, maybe cause I was so tiny and I wanted to be all big and prominent.
I loved frodo, though he always had sam with him, which is maybe why I would only participate in little adventures with the one friend I had.
I don't really remember speaking much to kids in primary school at all though, I remember even then I didn't quite understand what was going around me, the girls liked me but I was terrified of them, the guys hated me because I couldn't speak to them without using big flowery sentences, I guess I thought the fantasy books I'd read and the language I'd learnt would entertain them.
In high school I had the impression they would like me if I acted like I didn't care about anything, which actually worked funnily enough (no its not a good thing).
All hail the new flesh, cause it suits me fine!