KitLily wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
KitLily wrote:
There is an incredibly large number of stupid people in this world, and that number is increasing due to natural selection not working anymore

There have always been stupid people. In general, I think people are smarter now because more people have access to education than even before.
Natural selection still works.
There may be more educated people now, but less with common sense. In the past, if people were stupid and did dangerous things, they died. If they act stupidly now, their injuries are mended by state of the art medical care, so they all survive.
I'm not sure that that proves that fewer people have common sense.
We don't require the same skills for survival as our human ancestors did. The concept of "common sense" is a fluid rather than a static concept.
“Les grandes personnes ne comprennent jamais rien toutes seules, et c'est fatigant, pour les enfants, de toujours et toujours leur donner des explications.”
— Saint-Exupéry, Le Petit Prince