what is it with Asperger's people and anime?

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18 Apr 2015, 10:14 pm

I used to watch and enjoy anime back when it was just called "Japanese Animation", and didn't even know it was made in Japan though I could see distinct differences between it and American cartoons. I remember most anime not being as "funny" as other animation, it was often more heart-wrenching or scary than some of the stuff in Disney movies, but I was drawn to the big eyes and expressions of the characters and started to copy it but became incredibly embarrassed if other people noticed it for some reason. But when I became an adult and Pokemon became the big craze it kind of ruined it for me. I almost never heard positive things about it or other anime from other adults and all the controversy was very annoying. Of course, the Pokemon anime is based on the game, and not the other way around like most people see it. Also I'm a cartoonist myself and for years my drawing and characters have had the "animesque" look even before it became popular but I feel self-conscious about it even though that's the only way I really *can" draw them. If I try to make them appear more North American it looks forced and boring and I don't enjoy drawing it as much. But I want my art to be compared to the "Masters" like Disney or even Don Bluth instead of someone whose name I can't remember or pronounce. I'm sorry that sounded Archie Bunker-ish. :(

Sometimes I watch short episodes of "Kawaii" anime on YouTube like Doremon or more obscure stuff that doesn't even have dubs or subtitles but for some strange reason I seem better at following what's going on without it. I don't really care much for "magical girl" anime or Dragon Ball Anything or stuff that's full of death and blood and gore that make Hollywood slasher movies look like Winnie-the-Pooh.


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18 Apr 2015, 10:24 pm

I could care less about anime though most of my friends are addicted for whatever reason. Hardly saying that they aren't good because what few I have seen have been rather enjoyable, but I honestly prefer to spend my time working on my own things rather than watching someone else's work. Most of my friends don't really see, to understand that :|

Stay classy WrongPlanet

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19 Apr 2015, 12:07 pm

Zane wrote:
Anything that can help me remove myself from reality I am down for.

I was obsessed now I am moderately entertained.

I prefer books and manga.

+1 to all of this. I was super into anime (and manga) ages ... seven to fifteen, sixteen, bit less from sixteen to twenty-ish. Kind of tapered out afterwards.
Shinmizu wrote:
Possibly the fact that animation tends to be exaggerated due to limitations of the medium--the facial expressions, emotions, etc. of characters in anime are far, far easier to determine with reasonable accuracy than those of real people. I guess it's an, "Oh, I get how they are, and can actually (sym/em)pathize with them" reaction.
I had the same idea -- and may have adapted quite a few facial expressions from anime myself; I get told I've got a number of "cartoonish" looks (exaggerated surprise, etc), but that's neither here nor there.

I also much preferred the continuity most anime series have to the single-episode, non-sequitur format of other cartoons, and the fact that often, villains have motivations more complex than "wanna rule the world hurr hurr" was also a plus.


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19 Apr 2015, 11:46 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
Also I'm a cartoonist myself and for years my drawing and characters have had the "animesque" look even before it became popular but I feel self-conscious about it even though that's the only way I really *can" draw them. If I try to make them appear more North American it looks forced and boring and I don't enjoy drawing it as much. But I want my art to be compared to the "Masters" like Disney or even Don Bluth instead of someone whose name I can't remember or pronounce. I'm sorry that sounded Archie Bunker-ish. :(

There is some "Masters" in anime like Miyazaki who is vastly superior to Disney and even Don Bluth.

Emu Egg
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19 May 2015, 3:52 pm

Okay Well I Can Tell you from first person that anime for me and for other people with aspergers is something that we enjoy
we watch it go get away from the world and troubles we all have in daily lives we admire the characters and some times we even want to be like them.....its just something that helps us cope with daily lives. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: