TRUE wrote:
"How are you?"
That's where it starts. That's where I start getting in trouble and it goes downhill from there.
Someone says "How are you?"
So I tell them. And they start shifting around and suddenly have to go somewhere. Well, why did they ask if they didn't want to know?
And old boss said "How are you?"
So I say "OK, but it's not like you really want to know."
So he says "Well! If you don't like it here, you know where the door is."
So I say "Yes, it's over there" and I point at the door.
I'm learning that people don't want to know and don't want me to state that I know they don't want to know.
I've mentioned elsewhere that I had to have a gentlemanly aussie let me know that when someone you don't know asks "how are you?" you just say "I'm fine." If you're not, the questioner doesn't really care, and doesn't want to know anyway. In short, "how are you?" is generally social lube with someone you don't actually know well.
(off-topic) (and then, one noticed the date of the most recent posts before a week ago...) (/off-topic)