I guess I'm lucky. I had no idea I had AS when I learned how to drive, so it was never an issue. I've now been driving for 15 years and had two accidents (one was my fault, the other was not), which I think is well within reason. Well, I DID get my car backed into last week because I had parked it on the street to shovel the driveway. But that doesn't count.
I've always gotten lost in the details of things, and it has never been an issue while driving. Quite the contrary, I find that seeing all the little details helps a great deal. I can identify a drunk driver from half a mile in front of him(or her) on a twelve lane expressway, and can read road signs from two miles away. I do occasionally have problems with bright billboards (there's two of them I can think of in particular), or ticker type expressway billboards. That and lingerie ads featuring half naked women.
I think my AS has made me a better driver, not a worse one. I can see no reason that AS would prevent somebody from driving, unless it's severe enough to cause self-confidence issues preventing it... you do need to be rather decisive in a lot of situations while driving.
I guess in my case, ignorance was a blessing.
Those who dance, are considered crazy by those who can't hear the music.
--George Carlin