ummmm. I'd be happy to still go ahead if anyone else still wants to. Introductions might be a toughie though. I'm far too quiet for that.
It may be somewhat less well held together than usual, but I'm sure if anyone's still willing to come it should be ok.
*looks around nervously, thinking 'am I really offering to organise?'*
Either way, I'll compile a checklist of all replies, so I don't miss anyone on the day. Remember to reply if attending, though, cos if I expect to be alone I won't bother going
Any pm replies will be given a number, indicating how many confirmed/maybes. 1/0 means you were the only confirmed so far, and no maybes. So the number is inclusive of the respondent.
On the Friday morning, I'll confirm the attending list here (by number attending/maybe, not by names), so that the maybes can make their minds up by Sat morning.
~Loving Light~
hey Lucky Bunny, Ive changed my mind about cancelling the meet up (and edited the post accordingly). I will send a un-cancelling email out to everyone tomorrow.