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08 Jan 2012, 9:16 pm

I am a 43 year old Aspie (though I prefer the term Aspergian) and was diagnosed years ago. By determining how NT communication feedback patterns work, along with CBT treatments and a willingness to be uncomfortable I have developed sufficient coping skills to succeed in corporate America, get married and have kids.

However I have very few friends (2 left after the 3rd passed away) and I am drained by large groups of people and interpersonal engagement. I can do it as it is necessary, but I don't seek it out as I prefer to be with my family or alone (when tired). Most NTs don't know I have AS, and those close to me who know like my honest directness, see the advantages of my logic and analysis, and are willing to ignore the social faux pas I do on a regular basis.

I like quantitative analysis, econometrics, behavioral analysis patterning, molecular genetics, quantum mechanics and M-theory (superstring theory). In short, if it involves a numeric, visual or mathematical pattern I am drawn to it like a moth to a flame. I just can't resist for whatever reason. I love my kids but must admit they wear me out, and the sensory issues get in the way (high pitched loud sounds, bright lights, noise, and overall generalized chaos.) My wife is my friend and equal partner in everything and so we are compatible at all significant points. Beyond that I have nothing else to say. Thank you for indulging me.

"Honey Badger Don't Care..."

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Snowy Owl

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09 Jan 2012, 3:00 am

Hi everyone. I'm a 25 year old living in San Francisco going to art school. Despite seemingly being surrounded by like minded people and being out here for three years, I have failed to form the close friendships I had where I moved from. I'm missing that level of connection. I thoroughly enjoy most things artsy, including drawing/sketching, illustration, photography, etc, science, dance, nature, and animals like my awesome corgi dog. I would like to make some friendship connections on this site as few people you'll meet at work or on the streets can relate or are willing to understand aspergers.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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09 Jan 2012, 10:17 am

Nereid wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm a 25 year old living in San Francisco going to art school. Despite seemingly being surrounded by like minded people and being out here for three years, I have failed to form the close friendships I had where I moved from. I'm missing that level of connection. I thoroughly enjoy most things artsy, including drawing/sketching, illustration, photography, etc, science, dance, nature, and animals like my awesome corgi dog. I would like to make some friendship connections on this site as few people you'll meet at work or on the streets can relate or are willing to understand aspergers.

If you go to, there's many groups that meet. I host two meetup groups (one AS-related, the other not). You might find something there you like. Go to and then type your interest in one box and the city in the other box and hit enter. In a place like SF, you should find a lot of art-related stuff. You should find some Aspie groups there.

Having been to San Francisco as recent as March 2011, it's a great place to visit. Meetup should be a good starting point for you. I would call Autism organizations in the area there and inquire for information.


Scott, Founder/Program Director - GCA Centre for Adult Autism

The mission of GCA Centre for Adult Autism:
"Empowering the lives of autistic adults and young adults and their parents/caregivers by serving as a resource center to provide mutual support, information, and activities" in the Southeast USA

2nd Annual Southeast Adult Autism Symposium
- Early Bird online registration starts in late March 2018
- More information can be found at


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12 Jan 2012, 6:57 am

Hi, I'm a 19 year old girl from belgium, you can always talk to me about pop punk, chiptune, death note, liar game, fullmetal alchemist, ocarina of time, guitars and singing :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Jan 2012, 9:50 am

chris, 43, male, new jersey. these are all facts. i think. what is a fact? something about us to talk about. my likes: painting, math, computers, people. my dislikes: computers, facts, people, math, and never having enough time for painting, which i suppose is all that is left. sigh.

i dunno if this thread is a good way to socialize. i may try that #wrongplanet on thing. i always keep forgetting about irc again (for years at a time).

oh, i'm a bit scatterbrained.

hobby: making up crazy ideas or properties and convincing myself that i have them. this may be indistinguishable from my 'facts of life' i'm not sure. i have at one time convinced myself i am just about everything. but i'm getting over it.


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22 Jan 2012, 2:29 am

am 20 years old hardly any friends though looking friends on here .. so pm me if wanna talk


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22 Jan 2012, 3:51 pm

I'm Dan and 23. I am asocial but that doesn't mean I want to be, I would like to be a lot more social with people but I generally have a unjustified suspicion of unknown people and I find it hard to strike up a good conversation with people too, which is usually a big negative in friend making x.x but give me a poke and I may become spontaneously interesting :3

Please, if you are a female don't PM, IM or contact me in anyway. This isn't a joke, I've just simply had enough of all of you.


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25 Jan 2012, 3:07 pm

Hi! I'm 23 years old and live in Los Angeles California. It'd be great to meet other who are like minded. While diagnosed as an NT, my boyfriend is unprofessionally diagnosed with Asperger's. It'd be great to make friends with people who share the same thought pattern as he does. I was also misdiagnosed as an Aspie at age 17, so I do share similar traits!


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27 Jan 2012, 6:09 pm

Been a little while since I posted here. :P
I'm a 19 year old London girl who is always looking for new friends. I'm into movies (especially horror and comedy but you can pretty much suggest anything to me). Books as well, I'm currently reading A Brave New World Revisited by Aldous Huxley. Also I have very recently become more into music. My current goal is to listen to every metal band I possibly can so suggestions are welcome. Though again like with movies I'll check out anything suggested to me.
I'll pretty much talk about anything and I don't get offended by controversial topics. I also like a bit of banter haha. It's not surprising that I like Family Guy and South Park. :twisted:
I tend to always reply to PM's although I'm not bothered about being replied to straightaway. So yeah...
Anywho that's about it.

Am usually bored so PMs are welcome!

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ...

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Jan 2012, 6:02 pm

My name's Emily, and I'm 19 and live in Madison, WI. I am a student at the University of Wisconsin. I seem to have a knack for learning languages, and my favorite language is Finnish followed closely by Swedish. I'll probably end up majoring in Scandinavian Studies, and I'm considering also majoring in Communicative Disorders and becoming a speech pathologist. I'm also really into working out since it really helps me deal with stress and function somewhat normally. Oh and I'm really weird, although I guess that goes without saying.


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01 Feb 2012, 1:41 am

Name is Matthew (or Matt, I don't care). I'm 19, I live in Indiana (midwest USA), I am male, and I don't normally splice commas this often. I love video games (namely Nintendo) and literature and feel that introductory paragraphs typically make use of compound simple sentences. I am fascinated by linguistics, phonetics, philosophy, and psychology. (My linguistic references in the first two sentences are me attempting to poke fun at my awkward communication skills and are not representative of the typical frequency of my esoteric references). I do not dislike ganja. I am verbose as hell. I have stopped caring about the semantic and syntactic diversity of my sentences.
I may as well make mention of my affection towards Youtube poop, anime, MSPA, and other post-modern memetic internet phenomena. I am an agnostic theist and a nihilist (neither are nearly as dismal as they sound).
I love music, music theory, women, men, comedy, intellectual discussion, foreign languages, and mathematics.
And I am greatly grateful that you read all this. (Puns are also fun).


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06 Feb 2012, 11:10 am

Here it goes...!

Name: Ask me in a PM
Age: 26 next week, but some days I'm 8 years old, other days I'm 82.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"/169 cm
Orientation: Straight
In a relationship: I think so... long story.
Location: Sweden
Interests: Drawing (mainly realism and cartoons), photography, reading horror fiction, watching movies and tv-series, playing retro-Nintendo games on NES and SNES and much more.
SPECIAL Interests: I've had many... creating biotopes for exotic fish, breeding fish and learning about fish genetics and water chemistry, obsessing about The X-Files and The Lion King, collecting SNES games, collecting asian horror movies, photography, psychology and much more... You'll have to ask.
Favorite music: Mainly 90's pop & rock, ska, instrumental piano music & musicals.
Books: Stephen King is still a favourite... :oops: And of course: Tony Attwood's "Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome". :wink:
Languages: Swedish, English, some German and Latin. I also understand Norwegian and Danish, plus I can understand a bit of Dutch.
TV shows: The X-Files, The Big Bang Theory, Clone High, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Pushing Daisies and more.
Clothing: Mostly different types of feminine shirts and jeans or a pair of cords.
Job: Store manager


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09 Feb 2012, 6:24 pm

My name is Mary
I'm 20
I live in Pennsylvania
I'm short
anything else you would like to know ask in PM :D


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11 Feb 2012, 11:08 am

My name's Adrian.
22 Years Young
5"9 in Height
I am a Graphic Designer.
Hobbies include playing in a Steel Orchestera, Playing Video Games and talking about crap.
I am English (British English) from Manchester.

PM if you want to talk.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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12 Feb 2012, 3:13 am

Name: Kaitlyn, sometimes called katie. both are fine.
Age:19, but look younger javascript:emoticon(':cry:')
orientation: bi
Location: USA
Interests: art, videogames, religion in general, civil rights, Nature, books
special interests: depends on the day, tends to rotate between several topics
fav. color: PURPLE!

Personality: I am brutally honest, but I do care about peoples feelings. I am easily discouraged. I have few friends, and find it hard to make more. I need more friends who except me for who I am. I have made it my goal to try to go through life harming as little as possible. Im not a good writer, and find messaging strenuous, but would like to get used to it.


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15 Feb 2012, 6:58 am

My name is Isaiah, I'm 21 years young haha...I live in Kansas City, Missouri where I go to school at UMKC. Right now I'm getting a BA.BA in Biology and Chemistry and I hope to get an MD/Ph.D one of these days. Um...I'm pretty much normal, I listen to Romantic Piano and I like girls A LOT...just got into that at 21 lol. Right now I'm looking for friends on here and people to share experiences with so if any of this sparks your interested message me!! !