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Snowy Owl
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05 Mar 2010, 4:45 am

aussiebloke - you're welcome to come along. The more the merrier. :D

Michhsta - no worries. We'll be there anyway, so if you can come that would be great.

I just checked the weather forecast and it's looking fine now. So 1pm on Sunday it is. I think the front entrance seems like the best meeting place.

Look forward to meeting whoever comes along. *smiles*


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07 Mar 2010, 8:20 am

alex wrote:

Thanks alex! As Teh 8) est of Teh 8) on here, that's high praise indeed !
It's another example of how this site brings together people who are distant in both location and attitude.

We just had the Most Awesome of times!
Everyone could have talked for hours! 8)

I'm still hyped up over six hours later!
In fact, too hyped up to actually talk about it now. :(

I just remember that promising to remember to thank you for posting in this,
our little thread, came up, so here it is :
Thank you, Alex!

As a long term member, I have seen glimpses of what it costs you to be here,
and although it is trite, it is still true, so I am going to say it :
The good times outweigh the bad times


syzygyish wrote:
Bella1 wrote:
I'd be interested in a Sunday meet-up. I think there is a little cafe at the Botanical Gardens... otherwise we could just walk around. One of my interests is photography, so it's a good little place for me.

My husband is also aspie, so that makes 3 interested aspies.

:D :D :D
Thank-you Bella1, I would like to gratefully confirm your acceptance of my invitation.
Is this Sunday still alright ?
I hear that it's still going to be bucketing down. :(

Is there anything that you'd like to share with us about yourself before the meet-up ?
Just your interests I mean.

I think I said way to much about myself on the first or second page,
but it stands there in perpetuity for your perusal.

Is your husband on WP?
I think it's SO COOL that two Aspies have found each other ! :)

Photography is one of those things on my 'Wish List' of obsessions that I never seem to get around to following through on. :x :(
Here's a photo of a Water Dragon that I took at the restaurant at Mt Cootha :
They're so used to people they wait under the tables for scraps!

And here's one of the photos tektek took of me when we had our meet-up,
(I accidentally had this macro lense on that I had just bought,
and he had to walk backwards and forwards to position me correctly,
so the bad framing is my fault ! :oops: )
(I wore my Wrong Planet T-shirt especially for the occasion! :D )

Now there are three,
do any other Aspies want to come along ?

*Nudge, nudge, :wink: , :wink: ,
Go on, you know you want to! *

We have to meet So many people we don't want to,
here's an opportunity to make a decision and get out of your comfort zone
and dip your toe in a Brand New Pond of your own free will !

I confess, I have already had a minor bout of insecurity about this,
i.e. - It could have been another beautiful Sunday alone
with just my own OCD demands to go through at my own pace.
But, I am really going to try to get to this one on time!
:oops: - I'll probably be late. :oops:

Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle

Snowy Owl
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07 Mar 2010, 7:02 pm

Agreed, it was a great little meet. Here is a photo of all of us. :D



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07 Mar 2010, 7:09 pm

Thanks Bella 1 , probably for the best I give it a miss for the time been , not the best of company at the moment, once I fully recover from my brain injury (Which I believe I will) I'll definitely consider it, so yeah thank god the brain is elastic, hooray for neuroplasticity!

You all look very happy 8)


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08 Mar 2010, 8:52 am

aussiebloke wrote:
Thanks Bella 1 , probably for the best I give it a miss for the time been , not the best of company at the moment, once I fully recover from my brain injury (Which I believe I will) I'll definitely consider it, so yeah thank god the brain is elastic, hooray for neuroplasticity!

You all look very happy 8)

Hi aussiebloke, I am really sorry to learn about your plight ! :(
You are right to be optimistic, things have really changed since I grew up and was told that the brain was concrete and we only lost brain cells as we grew older.

That was just a cultural stereotype that needed time to be broken down,
like the white man's fantasy about him being the 'superior race'
or that old fallacy that a women's place is in the home
or even worse that children should be seen and not heard!
Totally disgusting!

Our 'Once upon a time' old 'companion to the grave' (Doctors :( )
has finally got his act together
with (I might suggest, a lot of impetus from aspy physicians,
who, I digress, would seem to have a stronghold in this field
(viva La Moral Highground! :D )
a lot of help from the scientific community (another stronghold of La Aspy Moral Highground! :D ) and the evolution of our culture from one of bias and self-importance to one of inclusion and acceptance.

So, follow your doctors orders, and here's hoping for a speedy recovery!
Hooray for neuroplasticity! :D

( I wanted to squeeze something in there about the awesome recovery rate of stroke victims, but I guess this will have to do. :oops: )

It will be great to meet you eventually, but take your time and recover fully!


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08 Mar 2010, 10:42 pm

Well thank you, I'm currently reading an article "Aspergers a Herbal Approach" It says we can handle a level of physical pain that would be intolerable to any one else :lol: . Well lets just say this recovery has been excruciatingly painful, virtually (on and off 24/7) It's taken many many years to undo all that damage, though I feel I'm now entering calmer waters. 8)


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09 Mar 2010, 12:29 am

wanted to squeeze something in there about the awesome recovery rate of stroke victims, but I guess this will have to do. )

Go on why not, you seem like an interesting fellow, I don't mind reading your ramblings :)


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16 Mar 2010, 8:33 am

aussiebloke wrote:
Go on why not, you seem like an interesting fellow, I don't mind reading your ramblings :)

Well OK, (I am a little bit... completelely :drunken: ATM)
so forgive my non sequiters

To start with I was really late! :oops:
On the trip up I listened to this fascinating program on Radio National about
stuff (I have been trying for 2 hours to find a link! :x and failed completely!)
It was all I wanted to talk about, but when I got there,
I was the only one there!
I rang Rachel and left a message while I desperately searched for a toilet
(Full bladder, what can I say? :silent: )
Almost there, I got a phone call from her saying she was out the front.
I realised later I had called mysassyself, by mistake, and left a message,
not Bella1, who called me as I was entering the toilet.
I eventually arrived back out the front ( :roll: )
to be greeted by a posse of aspies whence we decided to depart the premices
and follow Michhsta to FOOD! (I was starving!)
I wasn't enthusiastic about anything the little cafe that Michhsta said was her favourite had to offer in the way of nourishment,
but luckily the Pizza shop next to it was open and I wolfed down the whole thing!
(a pizza, I mean)

We were there a couple of hours, just rambling,
everyone was enthusiastic and happy and enjoyed our brief moments in the
spotlight of conversation.

I did actually make a horrendous error of judgement when
I noticed Paul (Bella1's husband, also an Aspy), stimming.
I blurted it out in front of the whole group! (sorry, Paul! :oops: )

Michhsta and her partner had to leave to address responsibilities
(I do remember saying something stupid to him, along the lines of
Michhsta seems really assertive for an aspy,
to which he replied "She will pay for it later."

It's another embarrassing wake-up call to me how capable we are at
hiding ourselves in plain site and learning the skills that NT's take for granted.

I was really impressed by your boyfriend, Michhsta,
you are really lucky to have someone as supportive and devoted as him! :)

Afterwards, me, Bella1 and Paul got back together at Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens,
and I just lost it ! :oops:
"Look at that tree! That does this!
Look at that Lizard! OMG!"
etc. etc. :oops:
Bella1 took a heap of photos
(which still need to be posted up here! hint, hint! :D )

mysassyself rang me back while this was going on
and On The Phone with her I mixed up her name with Bella1's! :oops:

I gave the phone to Bella1 so they could discuss how stupid men are together.
especially syzygyish men. :lol:

The one thing I regret, is not remembering to talk to paul about our mutual sci-fi interests, that would have been Awesome!

Oh My God!
It took seven hours to write this!
Good Night.

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17 Mar 2010, 3:42 pm

Hi Szy,

Yes it was good to catch up........but exhausting :wink:

It was really good to meet all of you there and come out of my comfort zone. And yes, Adrian was correct about me "paying for it later". I had been terrified for about 2 days before the meeting and then had valium to get to the meeting and then slept the whole next day! But it was totally worth it...... 8)

Don't worry, I called Paul, "Mark" the whole time. Thankfully no-one noticed, but Adrian kindly pointed it out to me in the car on the way home :oops:

Sorry Paul!! !!

Anyways, you guys are great and glad it happened.......


Jimmy cracked corn, and I don't care.

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18 Mar 2010, 12:05 am

We were really impressed by your knowledge of all the plants at the botanical gardens syzygyish. We both found it really interesting. Always love to find people who are passionate about something. :)

We both really enjoyed the meet and would love to do it again sometime. I'd have to agree with the exhausting description, but it was worth it. Are you still going to the orchid show syzygyish? Paul says he thinks it is on the 26th. Michhsta, if you can make it, we'd love to catch up with you again too.

And, as requested, here are some of the photos from the day. :)





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22 Mar 2010, 5:45 am

hey guys,

i'm another SE Qlder, living in inner brisneyland... will try and make the next meet up.

ps. madcore pics bella!

?We cannot put off living until we are ready. The most salient characteristic of life is its coerciveness; it is always urgent, 'here and now,' without any possible postponement. Life is fired at us point-blank.?
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26 Mar 2010, 6:48 am

Better late than never, I suppose. :roll:

Typically, my timing is awfully aspy! :x

I will be at Mt Cootha Botanic Gardens... sometime tomorrow...! :oops:

Hope for a quick walk-through of the Orchid Displays and will try not to buy anything since they're Extremely Expensive!

But will buy something if I can find a Queensland native.
(I am a bit obsessive about the ecology of the wilderness and genetic diversity
and species diversification. And how it is being r**** in the a*** in Australia! :x )

Don't tell anybody I said that unless it is your local politician and you can threaten them with voting for someone else! :x :wink: :lol:

Sorry about the late notification! :oops:

Somehow, I have completely ignored the replies to this thread
and the pm's about it ! :?
I wonder if it has anything to do with S: (n) autism ((psychiatry) an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and short attention span and inability to treat others as people)

Who said that?


(Just a bit of self-deprecating humour I hope you will appreciate.)

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Snowy Owl
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10 Apr 2010, 4:26 am

Hey Guys,

Any ideas for another meet-up?

Me and Syzygyish are going to meet-up at Supanova tomorrow (Sunday 11 April) at about 10am. Sorry about the late notice. I always meant to write it on here to see if any other aspies were coming...

Hey tonka - did you have anything in mind for a meet-up?


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10 Apr 2010, 7:14 am

Another apology for the late notice! :(
I have been meaning to post this up here forever! :oops:

Bella1 and friends + 1 (that's me :) )
are going to wander around in there for a while!

In case anyone is wondering,
we did have a successful meetup a few weeks ago at Mt Cootha Gardens again, at the Orchid Show. :D
I totally forgot to take photos of anything but flowers
(except for this one guy that I think will probably be a superhero one day! :wink: )

Anyway, here are some of my photos :

...Can't actually find any of the pictures of orchids I took that day!

Anyway, hopefully I won't get there too late tomorrow,
and if I do Bella1 will take lots of photos with the Image Stabilising Lense on her camera!
(She explained to me that this why most of my shots are crappy and hers are perfect) :oops:

If any WPers do see this tonight and want to come along,
send me a pm and if I have time to turn on the computer tomorrow
I may get back to you.
No Promises.

...I am sure there will be many last minute notifications
of meetups in the future,
so don't hold your breath,
or you are guaranteed to be disappointed!

(because you will asphyxiate) :roll: :wink:

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17 Apr 2010, 9:17 am

hi, I'm from the Gold Coast and would love to meet other Aspies =)

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17 Apr 2010, 5:57 pm

Hi melbi - I'm in Brisbane, but I'd be happy to meet-up somewhere that is easy for you to get to. Syzygyish is on the gold coast and I have met him a few times now. I'd definitely meet him again. Both my husband and I really liked him. My husband is also aspie. We have also met Michhsta, so hopefully she can make it as well.

Hopefully we can rustle up a few more people.. Are you able to come to Brisbane? The last place that seemed easy for syzygyish to get to was The Botanical Gardens in Mount Coottha.