fresco wrote:
Whenever I come into contact with people something primitive seems to stir inside me. I get very tense and anxious. This is much worse when I withdraw from all social contact. It gets better if I desensitise myself, but the fear levels are still high and it is exhausting. Socialisng is more tiring than sustained physical exercise. Do NT's find this?
No. If anything, I think most (or all?) NTs are kind of the reverse of that.
I know what you mean about it kind of getting worse if you have no social contact at all. I'm like that to an extent. Basically though I sometimes like social contact, but need a lot of time by myself. Heck, I'm holed up here even at work, and frequently need to just keep to myself (I don't even like being able to see other people or have them see me-that's draining for some reason too).
This idiot psychologist I went to thought I don't do (some unspecified activity with unspecified people) because I'm "depressed", which is completely bogus. Rather I don't because I don't fit in most places and would be either bored, or wouldn't know what to say, ore both, and because even if I find somewhere I fit in I still need to spend a LOT of time just by myself. (I actually go to an OCD group now, although honestly I use it mostly as social contact.)