I used to be. I had one friend who was one of my two really close friends. we spent so much time together, we practically had two houses. i got a little distant when i changed schools but still hung out with him until grade 12 when i was alot more busy. once university started i pretty much stopped hanging out with him because i had so many things to do on weekends and he was busy during the week. i haven't seen him in about a year now.
I met my other friend in senior kindergarten, he kind of bullied me for a day, then we eventually became friends. i hung out with him even more than my other friend because we went to the same school. when we went to a new school for middle school we sort of became more distanced, he got new friends that i didn't get along with and i was a bit of a social outcast (not completely but i definitely wasn't considered cool or anything, lots of it had to do with meltdowns that i used to have). eventually i went to a boarding school, didn't see him for about 4 years, then last year i saw him at the beer store in town, and i see him at the gym every once in a while.
other than those two guys i haven't been anyone's best friend. that's one of the things i really miss, i've gotten many more friends since i went to university but nobody that i would consider very close. i don't really care about the number of friends but i'd like someone i can confide in and spend time with. I haven't found any of those at university yet and i started getting a bit depressed at the fact that i didn't think anyone cared about me, didn't think i had any friends, etc.