Actually none at present. Although a year to a year and a half ago I would have said five.
In the last year (and a half).....
My friend, M. passed away suddenly.
My friend, K. decided she didn't like me, only tolerated me (barely) because I was still friends with her husband, J. A few years later K. and J. got a divorce.
My friend, J. (same J. as above), moved back in with his ex K. As a result I rarely hear from him.
My friend, A. decided she "has been healed" after joining a church, and despite her pastors advise quit her medication and seeing her therapist. She has become so delusional (thinks she is married to a dead man, has had several so called "husbands" in the past several years) and irrational that I can no longer be friends, as she could become dangerous. I have even (at cost) put a phone block against her number, althought she gets me from other phones occasionally.
Finally, my friend, D.... This frindship feel apart due to lack of contact. Not intentional really, just happend.
So, for the first time since 1999, I am 100% friendless.