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03 Sep 2016, 8:09 pm

I am thin and short and small. :)

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03 Sep 2016, 8:14 pm

I'm 5ft3 and weigh around nine and a half stone.


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03 Sep 2016, 8:54 pm

...Not ME :roll: ! !! !! !! !! !! I am , 5'9" or so , about 250 pounds - down from a (Ballooned up due to my congestive heart failure :( , I think it was) height of 325 some months ago .
At 20 , about this height , I was 180 lbs.

Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.:-(
My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


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03 Sep 2016, 10:09 pm

I'm not thin by any means, if anything, I'm a little on the fat side. My body shape is a little odd as tend to gain weight evenly except for in my bum and breasts. :( (I wish it was the other way around). Compared to my cousins, I am the third thinnest of 8 (and I am pretty close to the second thinnest).

By the way, I'm 5 "6 and 148 pounds. I would like to be 130 lbs.


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08 Sep 2016, 2:37 am

If i have extra money, I will spend it on snacks, especially sweets. My weight fluctuates like crazy. Using BMI, I was always
16-20 until I became an adult, then it was like:

27→22→15→18→25→23 (and going down currently)

If I am broke or unhappy or focused on a special interest, I sometimes have phases where I have AN style disordered habits. But if I am happy and have money then I just binge and binge and binge?

How I eat and whether I feel like I deserve to eat depends on a number of factors. I have been this way since I was a toddler. I also hate certain food textures and have to eat my meals in a certain order. But I guess eating disorders and ASD aren't an uncommon combo.

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09 Sep 2016, 5:30 pm

*does the Truffle Shuffle*


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09 Sep 2016, 7:27 pm

I'm five feet tall and about 230 pounds.

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12 Sep 2016, 6:54 pm

6', about 260 lbs here.

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13 Sep 2016, 3:21 pm

I have a normal BMI but close to underweight, while I have almost been overweight at 12 years old

I'm here to make friends.

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14 Sep 2016, 4:41 pm

I am skinny fat, I don't own a scale and I don't really gain/lose weight, I can tell by my pants. But I don't exercise so I am not muscular or fit, hence skinny fat label. I do have an issue of having to remind myself to eat during the day, working from home and being on the computer all day makes me forget. Thankfully my spouse makes sure I eat when he gets home from work. I do not have trouble feeding my kids though, I conditioned myself to remember.


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21 Sep 2016, 10:16 am

5'7" , 124-128lbs. Naturally thin, but I did gain a lot of weight when I was a heavy drinker (and taking SSRIs at the same time). Once I stopped taking meds, got sober, and cleaned up my diet (of course), I dropped back down to my normal weight.

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21 Sep 2016, 10:35 am

5 foot 5, 190 lbs.

Pretty chubby.


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22 Sep 2016, 6:56 am

176cm 60kg


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22 Sep 2016, 11:21 am

I'm like 5'7" 135ish lbs right now, I guess I relatively am thin but I don't feel like I am but I'm weird with my weight issues. I use to be like 60lbs heavier believe it or not. I've been trying to work out and put on muscle lately, I think I can bulk up relatively quickly given my build and how lean I am in comparison to a few years ago.


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23 Sep 2016, 7:39 pm

96 pounds/44kg/7 stone.

Pretty light. People worried about my weight when I was younger, but I guess I'm fine now.
I am the only person in my family who is not overweight, even though I seem to eat the most and spend most of my free time in bed. O.o

I have a friend with Asperger's who is overweight.

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24 Sep 2016, 1:24 am

I used to weigh below seven stone until only a couple years ago, I knew nothing about nutrition or fitness until I began educating myself, now I weigh what is approaching a healthy weight with some decent muscle, nothing spectacular or anything but it's a lot better than the scarecrow junkie I had been in my earlier grown man years. I wouldn't say I'm thin any longer but I do try to keep a lean tone, I do a lot of yoga which helps, I never desire to put it on like a bodybuilder but I would like to gain some more muscle over the next decade and approach a good balance between, I did used to be a runner bean for a long time though.