I'm a skinny, blonde, white aspie chick who spent 17 years in a customer service job with almost 300 blacks (I'm using "blacks" cos it's the quickest to type), and this experience did more for me than any other in my life. It knocked most of the aspie anxiety out of me, that's for sure. Yeah, it took us all a while to get used to each other, but once they got where I was coming from, they appreciated my honesty and directness. They'd always tell me how they liked me because they always knew where they stood with me, that they knew I wasn't out to jerk them around. And they never once jerked ME around, unlike others there. But yeah, they did "mess with me," just like they messed with each other constantly. They taught me to have a sense of humor and not take myself too seriously, but most importantly they taught me not to take any s#&t from anyone, something that I see other people (aspies & NTS) doing constantly. Not me.
So I'm honored to have the chance to say: THANK YOU, BLACK FOLKS!! !! !
I recommend that the OP consider getting a part-time job working with those guys at the gym.
Ditto this post. Beware thou, Blacks are not immune to throwing aspies under the bus to incur favor with "whiter" folk (at least here in the US).