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11 Aug 2013, 8:21 pm

A comment which is annoying, which many NTs and Aspies often declare, is "I don't like [arbitrary large group of people]"

... when really they seem to (at least often) mean "I don't find [arbitrary large group of people] attractive sexually"

As in "I don't like women with red hair."
"I don't like men who are shorter than me."
"I don't like black women"
"I don't like overweight men"

It seems like a really crappy way of expressing who they are attracted to (or not) sexually.

Just imagine if asexual/aromantics went around unexplainedly stating "I don't like people"

Or if people who believe that they would never be attracted to people with Aspergers all stated "I don't like people who have Aspergers" , instead of saying "I'm not sexually attracted to people who have Aspergers".

... it's like that.

I think that it's very superficial anyway, for people to bluntly declare that they "don't like" people who have a certain arbitrary physical feature (such as the colour of their hair , or height) ... because I would imagine that likeability would have more to do with personality than physical features, and as such it seems ridiculous for people to declare that they "don't like" people who they've never even met before.

I guess that for me, it has overtones of primary school taunts and prejudices ... as in "I don't like Joan because she has uncool clothes" , "I don't like Kyah because she's black", "I don't like John because he's fat", or "I don't like Sarah because she has red hair".


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12 Aug 2013, 1:15 am

treblecake wrote:
One of my teachers used to say "Use your initiative" to me a lot, and I still get people saying similar things to me. It's the most ridiculous thing to say because I always do what I believe to be the most sensible thing.

i hate that one. It really annoys me when companies tell you to use initiative but yell at you when you do. Example

guy at my work has trouble with his digital dictation machine. Colleague swaps cable with vacant computer(that has been vacant for months). machine works fine again. Yet IT tells him off for swapping cables without calling them first, even though it takes ages for IT to do anything.


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28 Feb 2014, 1:49 am

Most of them are trash designed to keep people in line.

#1 You need to take risks if you want to get somewhere in life (or something like that)

Yes, I have only $6000 in the bank. Let me take a little risk and invest it in the stock market, preferably one of those penny stocks that will be worth even less in the future.

#2 This one is in Spanish: La Suerte del feo, el bonito la desea.

Translation: An ugly person's luck is something a beautiful person wishes he had, or something like that. It is some BS ugly people say when people remind them that they are ugly. People fool themsleves into thinking they can get beautiful women despite their physical limitations. You'd need some serious $$$$$$ if you are ugly, and you want to meet someone.

#3 Don't be so negative <------my favorite

Translation: easy to say when you have friends who can help you find a better job, or give you a place to stay in you end up without a home.

#4 Desahuevate <---Panamanian lingo

Translation: don't be so dumb. It is usually said to anyone suffering from anxiety, depression, lacking social skills, all of the above. Sometimes it is said to someone who doesn't like mainstream music, or someone who doesn't dance. It is almost a meaningless word, but people around here usually say it all the time. I grew up listening to that crappy word.

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01 Mar 2014, 2:09 pm

GregCav wrote:
Change is as good as a holiday.

You're odd. <-- this one drives me nuts because it doesn't say anything.

You know that my brain is literal when I read " you're odd," and odd numbers started to come to my head. lol

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01 Mar 2014, 2:11 pm

TheZachadoodle wrote:
"I'm just kidding"

Oh yeah where is the joke? Was it funny? OH WAIT YOU DON'T MEAN I'M JUST KIDDDING YOU MEANT I'M SORRY! Well thank you for confusing me that I thought you were just not serious.

I know that someone out of this conversation says it like that but here is the true definition,

"Deceive (someone) in a playful or teasing way."

synonyms: tease, joke, pretend, make fun of.

Get it right and don't confuse people. Don't follow the crowd.

I hate just kidding people do that a lot if I get defensive and it's like they are just trying to take back what they said, I never know if people are actually kidding or just trying to take something back.

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01 Mar 2014, 2:12 pm

LabPet wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Well, you'll just have to start thinking outside of the box!

Box?!? What box? Where? I didn't know there was a box.

Are there cookies inside the box? :)

Oh gosh yes, I picture a box in my head, aka my literal brain.

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01 Mar 2014, 2:15 pm

daydreamer84 wrote:
When people constantly say , as a kind of filler phrase ,"you know what I mean". Other versions are: "you know" , "don't you know" and "you know what I'm saying". My mum and sister do this all the time. I always feel like I should answer them but I know it's not really a question.

I hate that, people do that to me all the time and I'm like no I don't, because unless someone explains it really literally I dont' get it easily. It frustrates me and others because people think they've communicated what they want me to do but its not direct enough so I don't understand.... so frustrating.

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08 Mar 2014, 6:39 pm

One quote I really can't stand is Eleanor Roosevelt's famous, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Well, heck yeah they can - short of covering your ears every time you're around people who are mean to you, they're going to say/do something that'll hurt your feelings somehow or other; and you can't help the way you feel....feelings aren't WRONG. People shouldn't be made to feel bad for being sensitive or having buttons people like to push.

Btw, it's the QUOTE I dislike, not Eleanor Roosevelt herself....I'm sure she was a lovely person in real life. :D

I wish Sterling Holloway narrated my life.

"IT'S NOT FAIR!" "Life isn't fair, Calvin." "I know, but why isn't it ever unfair in MY favor?" ~ from Calvin and Hobbes


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09 Mar 2014, 6:42 am

You can do anything if you put your mind to it.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

"Hear all, trust nothing"
~Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #190 ... cquisition

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09 Mar 2014, 6:53 pm

AspE wrote:
When they talk about getting out of your "comfort zone".

ERGH! THIS!! THIIIISSS!! !! ^^^^^^

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09 Mar 2014, 6:55 pm

1) "You'll grow out of it."

2) "You can overcome it."

3) "What's up?"

....................................................................... What do you mean 'what's up?' What??...................... What??? ....................... Do you mean 'how are you?' or 'what are you currently doing?' WHAT?! *head explodes*


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09 Mar 2014, 7:22 pm

What I dislike:

1. I don't think you can afford that
2. Are you sure that won't be too hard for you?
3. I know you don't stay by yourself do you?
4. (When I tell them I am not disabled) Then what are you?
5. Whenever they throw the word 'huh' at the end of a sentence and talk in this phony voice
6. Where are your parents?
7. Do you have a social worker?
8. Are you having a pity party?


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11 Mar 2014, 11:14 pm

As an earlier poster said: "that's just your opinion"

The NTs who say this ignore (or ignorant of the fact) that their opinion is just theirs, too. It's a really passive aggressive thing to say and is intended to put down, trivialise and discount any opinion which disagrees or differs from theirs. It's code for: "Of course I am right and your opinion differs and therefore doesn't count", although they haven't got the guts or integrity to say that openly. Good way to spot NT narcissists though!


"what do you do for a job?" I always find this offensive and instrusive coming from total strangers.

Some super annoying ones come from NTs who are new agers:

"You chose your ..parents/illness/abuse" (Code for "it's all your own fault and it's always your own fault")

And the perennial "Just be yourself".

And the judgmental discounters who not only insult you with these but do it in front of others:

"You're a strange person/ you're weird/you're not normal".

"You think too much" (Er, what is the correct amount of thinking?? This one particularly comes from people who think too little).

The uninvited advice givers:

"You just need to ..."

"You should.." (code for be more like them)

"You just need to get out more"

and the particularly annoying instruction to "Lighten up".

Finally the big NT social lies: "We must keep in touch" "I'll call you"

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14 Mar 2014, 12:33 pm

It's probably already on here but this is perhaps the worst:

- You just have to stop looking and then you'll get a girlfriend

--> How, magic? You just close your eyes, wait a few seconds, and poof, there's a girlfriend sitting opposite you?


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15 Mar 2014, 11:02 pm

My least favorites, mostly because of the insincerity inherent in each:

"I'll call you later." No you won't! You're just trying to get rid of me. (So many people say that and then never do.)

"Anything you need, let me know." Why? Will you "call me later?"

"You need to be comfortable in your own skin/Be yourself" If I decided to "be myself," I would bring a doll with me everywhere despite being in my thirties, dance through Prospect Park, and spend hours talking about Law & Order. And then no one would want to have anything to do with me because I'm too weird.


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16 Mar 2014, 12:11 am

LtlPinkCoupe wrote:
One quote I really can't stand is Eleanor Roosevelt's famous, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Well, heck yeah they can - short of covering your ears every time you're around people who are mean to you, they're going to say/do something that'll hurt your feelings somehow or other; and you can't help the way you feel....feelings aren't WRONG. People shouldn't be made to feel bad for being sensitive or having buttons people like to push.

Btw, it's the QUOTE I dislike, not Eleanor Roosevelt herself....I'm sure she was a lovely person in real life. :D

I totally hate this one. It's so untrue. I complained about bullying in the workplace, and was literally told that no one could bully me without my consent. Like WTF?