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29 Jun 2015, 6:12 am

I haven't been as active here as I'd have wanted too be, but I still figure that I should give this a shot, again.
My name is Andreas, I'm 20 years old and live in the most southern part of Sweden. I have a hard time making friends and as a result don't have that many, but I never stop trying. I like watching movies and tv shows, as well as listening to music and reading books. Mostly generic stuff I guess. I'm not very good at this so I don't know what else to say.
I hope someone finds me interesting enough to want to know more about me.

Have a nice day!


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29 Jun 2015, 10:53 am

Hello everyone,

I'm Myriad (not my real name of course) and I've kinda been diagnosed with AS, though not officially. I'm 20 years old and don't have many defining interests, but I do love music and science. Hoping to meet a few people here. :)

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 129 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 100 of 200
You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits
AQ: 39 / 50


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05 Jul 2015, 1:20 pm

Hi, I'm Callie, I'm 21 (22 in September) and I live in Beckenham on the border of South-East London. I don't have any female friends or any friends who live near me, but I would really like some, ideally a group or multiple friends like a lot of neurotypicals seem to have. Of course even one friend would be awesome, but I have an issue with relying too much on people and becoming too attached to them and I think this would be less likely to happen if I had multiple different friends to interact with and spend time with, either together or seperately.
I would really like friends who live close to me and could hang out in real life, ideally female and of a similar age to me. If you are male and gay that is also fine. Ethnicity etc. doesn't matter.
I am something of a gamer although I mainly play World of Warcraft at the moment and I enjoy watching films, especially horror. I also enjoy intellectual conversations about things like philosophy and psychology and am very informed about true crime. I have quite a dark and odd sense of humour. I am more comfortable going to a cafe or to the theatre than going out to a club. Other things I enjoy are Game of Thrones and South Park, as well as some of the shows on Cartoon Network and I like stuff like Pokemon. I used to have a lot of facial piercings and dye my hair and although I look mostly conventional now I really appreciate people who have an alternative look, though it's also fine if you don't. I also like people who are open-minded and liberal in their views. I'm an agnostic athetist but I don't mind being friends with people are religious as long as they are okay with this. I'm also vegetarian, but again, meat-eating friends are fine. As well as having more nerdy interests I also quite enjoy some reality TV and celebrity gossip. I mostly like older music from the 70s-90s, especially alternative music like The Smiths.
Well, that's everything I guess. If you want to try being my friend or have a nerdy aspie girl group that I could join then send me a PM. :wink:


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05 Jul 2015, 1:30 pm

DizzyFlores wrote:
Hi, I'm Callie, I'm 21 (22 in September) and I live in Beckenham on the border of South-East London. I don't have any female friends or any friends who live near me, but I would really like some, ideally a group or multiple friends like a lot of neurotypicals seem to have. Of course even one friend would be awesome, but I have an issue with relying too much on people and becoming too attached to them and I think this would be less likely to happen if I had multiple different friends to interact with and spend time with, either together or seperately.
I would really like friends who live close to me and could hang out in real life, ideally female and of a similar age to me. If you are male and gay that is also fine. Ethnicity etc. doesn't matter.
I am something of a gamer although I mainly play World of Warcraft at the moment and I enjoy watching films, especially horror. I also enjoy intellectual conversations about things like philosophy and psychology and am very informed about true crime. I have quite a dark and odd sense of humour. I am more comfortable going to a cafe or to the theatre than going out to a club. Other things I enjoy are Game of Thrones and South Park, as well as some of the shows on Cartoon Network and I like stuff like Pokemon. I used to have a lot of facial piercings and dye my hair and although I look mostly conventional now I really appreciate people who have an alternative look, though it's also fine if you don't. I also like people who are open-minded and liberal in their views. I'm an agnostic athetist but I don't mind being friends with people are religious as long as they are okay with this. I'm also vegetarian, but again, meat-eating friends are fine. As well as having more nerdy interests I also quite enjoy some reality TV and celebrity gossip. I mostly like older music from the 70s-90s, especially alternative music like The Smiths.
Well, that's everything I guess. If you want to try being my friend or have a nerdy aspie girl group that I could join then send me a PM. :wink:

Hi Callie - some of us have started having regular meet-ups in London, the next one is Sunday 2 August. Last time there were about 6 of us, we sat and chatted in a quiet place then went for a meal. It was very enjoyable. As you're just outside London this might interest you. Here's the link to the meet-up thread: viewtopic.php?t=287707


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05 Jul 2015, 8:30 pm

TheTrueMayhem wrote:
I enjoy listening to music (especially black metal and brutal death metal, but other stuff too, like conscious hip-hop and dark ambient) ...

I PM'ed you. If you're into the underground metal or music scene, you should check out or come to one of the Brain Arts Org meetings and volunteer. They're a bunch of chill, creative people you can make friends with. That goes for anyone else in Boston that's into the underground scene and wants to make some friends.


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29 Jul 2015, 4:06 pm

Anyone here from Pennsylvania Dutch Country? Say, near Lancaster? 32 male looking for a local friend or two. I tend to be a loner, so nothing high-pressure. I like going to local parks, record stores, or book stores. Watching movies/TV is cool, too. I'm one of the few here (it seems) who is not a gamer, though.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Jul 2015, 9:16 pm

I was hesitant to do this but why not, right?
I'm a 19 year old female and I've never been diagnosed ASD but I'm 99.9% sure. I have only had one friend my whole life and I'm not sure how I like it (we've only known each other a year) but I'd be interested trying to have new ones. I live in the US and am interested in music, primarily Tom Waits, speak French, and am a psych major. My favorite movies are Across the Universe and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


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30 Jul 2015, 12:19 pm

Hi. My name is Christopher, I'm 25, single, I am under legal guardianship of my parents - meaning that they have a say in my treatment. I'm on probation for the 2nd year in my assault and battery charge against my pa. I have 4 more months after July.
I have 0 friends and no girlfriend. I can't buy my favorite movies such as A Very Long Engagement, Cold Mountain, or Mississippi because of the rating R while living with my parents.
If'n you wish to know more about me, just PM me. :heart:

Chris Poole


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01 Aug 2015, 1:59 am

Hey, yo. The name is Val. I'm 28?... I think? I don't know my physical age. Let's just say I'm ageless. :) I currently live in Dallas, Texas, The States. I'm a homebody with (and I will admit this) poor social skills, so I tend to be socially withdrawn. I tend to get out and about after the sun sets and most everyone has disappeared from the world, but am active after 1300 CST. I generally have no one to talk to or hang our with, seeing as how I'm such a damn spectacle to these people. :roll: I like to write Cyberpunk stories, practice all things hacking on my home lab, screenwrite, study tech, and hopelessly wish for someone to come into my life in a capacity (any capacity) that will make me feel like something more than a cockroach to these humans. I only really like to be in the presence of 1-2 trusted people at a time. I'm an introvert, an INTP global thinker, a feminist, does poorly with anything masculine (see: Mithra Spirituality [Inquire Within]), an intellectual, and I don't identify as human (though I do identify heavily with the other sex). What gender am I? Tough to say. I have the brain of a female and the body of the other. As you can imagine, that creates quite a conflict, hence the Mithra Spirituality. My pronouns are "Them/They", and my favorite movie of all-time is Hackers (1995), seconded by Jurassic Park.

Is there anyone out there? Hello? I'm the oddball. I'll be listening.

- Valkerie


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03 Aug 2015, 1:35 am

Hey, funny story, I did one of these on another forum over two years ago and a few weeks ago I got an email that someone had finally responded to it, though I didn't check since I no longer frequent that forum. So I can't definitively say these things don't work. I'm feeling brave tonight though.

I'm a 21 year old college student from Iowa. I'm studying Computer Science at the moment. Progressive and Alternative rock are my favorite musical styles and are my greatest obsession. Particularly Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Porcupine Tree, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Sound Garden. I sort of like videogames, they're kind of just an escape though. I'm an avid movie watcher. LOTR, Schwarzenegger films, Star Wars(All 6), and the first 2 Alien films come to mind. Also stuff like Apocalypse Now. I guess I'm still the drifter type, I have little consistency in anything outside the media I like. I've had friends and have friends of all types it seems. I like to hike and run as well. I have no love for sports. Also I dislike the word "intellectual" if that says anything about me. Cormac McCarthy is my favorite author. It's hard to pin down a type of TV show I like, it's hit or miss for me on a lot of things. Right now I've got a thing for GoT, Rick and Morty, and AoT.


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09 Aug 2015, 4:00 pm

I'm 25, male, and in the UK. You can call me Keiji, though that's not my real name of course.

Came across this site while trying to think of ways to meet people so I couldn't not leave a post here :I

I tend to dabble across a range of interests including programming, mathematics, linguistics, Japanese language and culture, road designs, model railways and somehow even a bit of history and politics as of late. Trouble is I always seem to lack the enthusiasm to actually follow an idea through past the initial stages of 'oh, this is a cool idea, I want to do this!' I am however a full time employee in the programming field, not sure if this is a good thing or not...!

When I'm not trying to be creative, I like to watch anime (of the less mainstream variety) and let's plays. If you asked what my favorite genre was I'd have to say psychological horror though that's definitely not the only thing I like..! I don't really play videogames very much but I do enjoy Minecraft and Factorio and I'd really like to find some people to play these with.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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11 Aug 2015, 12:53 am

Hello there.

I'm a male, in my mid-20s, and I am looking to make one or two really good new friends who share my interests and faith as a bible-based Christian (this also means someone who is completely straight). I am looking for at least one friend who is of the opposite gender from me, preferably someone who doesn't have a boyfriend, and that I may still be able to have a healthy relationship with a year from now.

My interests are computers and electronics, animated films / characters, some live action films, fan art and fiction, some fantasy, weather, some classic video games, and talking or hanging out with friends whenever I can.

I don't have a girlfriend and have never had one. But I'm not ready to go that far yet at the present time as I've also never had very much social interaction with the opposite sex around my age, outside of my family, so far. But I can still be happy with another good female friend in the time being, as I already have 2 good male friends that I've known for a long while already. I believe genuine intergender friendships can be just as rewarding as same sex ones.

I am a person who values deep friendship to the core and I have made a lifelong decision sometime ago to only keep a few close friends instead of many general ones.

Feel completely free to PM me if you match what I'm looking for and my interests and after looking at my profile. : )


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13 Aug 2015, 5:05 pm

Hey im looking for a fellow pilgrim to make the journey to the great unknown more pleasant. I really want to discuss spirituality in all its forms and see the world through a unique perspective

My history on this forum preserves my old and unregenerate self. In the years since I posted here I have undergone many changes. I accept responsibility for my posts but I no longer stand behind them.
And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high Hebrews 1:3


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14 Aug 2015, 8:07 am

yoh there!! ! im 21 female from Philippines in Asia...I like eclectic music, movies, fiction books, selected animes and mangas...oh and im currently jobless now. :)

it's okay to lose people but never lose yourself.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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16 Aug 2015, 5:03 pm

Hey everyone.
My name is Taylor and I'm a 23 year old guy and I work full time.
I don't have anyone to talk to at this point in my life so I would love to hear from anyone.
my interests mainly include video games, anime, watching YouTube, and music/concerts
here are some of the other things I'm interested in:

TV: Breaking bad, The Walking dead, Big Bang theory, Dragon Ball Z, FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, American Dad, How I met your mother, and just a bunch of other anime

Music: Fall out boy, the wonder years, Peirce the veil, Foo Fighters, Weezer, Say Anything ,Taking Back Sunday

Video Games:(ps3,wii u,3ds,vita) Mario, Zelda, Mario kart, Smash Bros, Pokémon, Animal crossing, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, the last of us, uncharted, guitar hero, nhl, persona


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20 Aug 2015, 7:06 pm

I am Peter. I am 37. I have not ever been confirmed to have been anywhere on the autism spectrum, but over the last few years have been reading many things, took some psych tests, and it appears as though Im probably Aspie. Even if Im not, I dont relate to hardly anyone, definitely on the wrong planet for sure.

I am married (thankfully I found a woman patient and charitable enough to actually tolerate me, she may also be aspie) and have really one friend in the entire world. It's been that way since my early 20's, when drinking and smoking weed pretty much formed a social circle for me. Now that I've "grown up" and most people I knew moved on to things like educations, careers and families, I am still basically the same. I hate change and will fight it intuitively at any opportunity. But my only friend recently had his first child, and with another thats his girlfriends, so its more or less taken away my only friend. I dont do well with children, dont like them at all, have a hard time even tolerating conversations about them. But I retain some degree of friendship cuz this guy is the closest person Ive ever had but my wife.

But this has left a void. I feel constantly lonely and have the sense that the best days have passed me by and Im sorta just waiting to die. I am profoundly negative and angry, though I try not to be, and am told I can be very hard to be around because of that and my temper. I never hit people (or havent in many many years), only objects. It's really hard seemingly to find someone close to my age who just is kinda a loser like me and likes to just chill with no direction. I guess this isnt a great thing, but its me, so...

I have very few interests either, but smoking weed, listening to heavy music and watching sports. I am an avid fantasy baseball/football player and heavily into sabrmetrics but am ridiculously bad at math so that's sorta a contradiction I guess. I like video games too but am very very picky and barely ever find anything I can play through without getting bored.

So someone talk to me i guess. Id love to have someone to talk common interests and/or struggles with. If not oh well.