Currently, I have no close friends, 3 friendly acquaintances I know from college, 2 friendly acquaintances from high school(who I only recently started speaking to again), and a large number of online friends who I've never met in person. Every one of these people I converse with almost exclusively online.
Well, I should correct myself here. If I count my pet snake, I do have a close friend.
Currently, I have no social life. My 'social life' consists of visiting my mother and/or sister every few weeks to do drugs.
And if I get this job, I'll be perfectly content without a social life as I've got projects to work on when money permits...
not only close, i dont have friends in general. i hate it. HATE IT. and i'm one of the most friendly creatures ever invented, yet completely friendless. yay, irony!
This describes perfectly how I was in middle school. It was hell.