I really don't mind talking on the phone. I prefer the phone over e-mail for some situations where I want a quick reply from someone, because I know that if I send them the e-mail, they're not going to respond right away but I will have difficulty letting it go so I'll just keep checking my inbox over and over again.
I remember hating the phone as a kid. The only person I could consider a friend back then was my mom's best friend's daughter, and for all the times we've spent together, we've never talked on the phone. I met a friend who lived in Moscow and I lived outside of Moscow, and she called me once. We've spent about an hour on the phone, but it was pretty much a monologue on her side. I remember how she was randomly reading to me the horoscope out of a magazine which I now think she did to fill in the conversation, because I wasn't saying much. The only time I became talkative on the phone was when I was purposefully mimicking another person, whereas it would be a monologue on my side as I would basically re-enact the conversations I have planned in my head ahead of time in the role of this particular character (which, back then, was a classmate whose voice I liked very much, so I mimicked it).
During my middle school years, I would call the local phone company repeatedly as they have the automated answering thingy installed that can simulate a conversation (albeit a very bad one). Because I had pretty much no one to talk to back then, I would feel as though that machine was having a conversation with me, which was better than nothing, I guess. Back then, my parents would get angry at me for using the Internet too much, so when the Internet was out of my reach, I would grab for the phone. I also found out that I could call some silly phone sex and gay line numbers where the message that played automatically was hilarious to me, having a really immature sense of humor. So I kept calling these numbers, too, just to hear the message. I even fooled around on a phone dating service and pretended I was a guy. I liked being able to pretend to be someone over the phone more than anything, that I could make myself sound like anybody and fool people into thinking that they are talking to someone else. You could even say that I became obsessed with phones just for this reason.
Now, I'm not too crazy about pretending to be someone else. So yes, I stumble and mumble on the phone, and have difficulty hearing what people say due to the crappy sound transmission quality, but I am not scared of phones because I've simply gotten so used to them. I find it very difficult to talk to strangers on the phone, though. There's a lack of an image behind the sound; I need to be able to get an image of the person before being comfortable with talking to them on the phone. I have to figure out their unique patterns. Otherwise, I have absolutely no clue when to take a turn in the conversation, and will have more difficulty than usual understanding what they are saying.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.