not to pick your nose when people are talking to you
But how else are you meant to get them to go away?
So, does anybody know of such a thing, just like a sort of documentary about more advanced social skills topics that people on the Aspergers end of the spectrum might find difficult to comprehend?
I don't, unfortunately, but I think that something like that would be a great idea.
Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I