Magneto wrote:
This, according to someone I spoke to on Messenger who I don't know very well (but I have met them; she's my friends cousin), is how to start a conversation:
1. Say hello
2. Ask them about themselves, their family, interests etc
3. Once you've done this, you'll hopefully know enough of their interests to hold a conversation
No.3 is the point at which my conversations tend to failm, due to not having anything in common with the person - no shared interests. When we do have a shared interest, however...
I'd be weirded out if someone came up to me and did that. I'd wonder why they are asking me all these questions, and what they want. If it was at a social gathering (not that I'd be at a social gathering where I don't know people, but hypothetically speaking...) then I would assume that the person was just feeling pressure to mingle. I mean, if I'm in a situation where people don't know me at all, but we are socially expected to bombard them with personal questions, then chances are I won't ever see them again anyway. If I'll be seeing the person on a regular basis (new co-worker, mom who brings her kid to the same playground) then there isn't so much pressure to fire away with the annoying questions.
Then again, I have no friends and haven't had a social conversation with an adult aside from my husband, mother, and father since 2008. So, I suppose my wisdom about social things isn't necessarily the thing to follow.
No.3 is the point at which my conversations tend to failm, due to not having anything in common with the person - no shared interests. When we do have a shared interest, however...
I hear that. I have found that the more I interact with people, the lonelier I feel. That's because when when get to know each other, I start getting that sinking feeling that this is yet another person who I don't click with, and who I can't really talk with.