Cormorant wrote:
Over the last years, I have improved my social skills, my ability to read people and am much less anxious and depressed. Strangely enough, I feel more lonely. I used to think that I had a connection with someone as I was rambling on about whatever I was exited about. Now, I can see the impatience and annoyance. People who I used to think really liked me, I now see as having friendly toleration. Even my sister, who I know loves me, I feel more distant from. When I see how normal people are close to each other, the back and forth of real intimacy the lonelier I feel. Now I can see, I see how different I am. I don't know what to do now.
The red pill seems to be pushing me in my own direction very much away from my old friends and my family. Apparently my world is alien to most I know and I'm alien to the world's I'm attracted too. Can't win for losing.
The experience has been very disillusioning. It's hard to recover from.
If i could branch out and find a way of supporting myself away from the family biz it might be alright. Virginia Woolf really had something with that "Room of One's Own" essay.
Hanging out with like people is a sigh of relief. Not only is self-consciousness reduced but noticing similar behaviour in others seems to minimize my own. My issue is that those similar to myself are markedly different from who I'm "allowed" to associate with; since moving home my family has developed sharp claws and an eagles grip. Not being afforded the freedom to pursue this is debilitating. I'm only good at one thing and can't open my own business in competition with my families. Where does an odd bird get a means of support these days?
forwards not backwards, upwards not forwards, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom