Last night, I went to this bar comprised of a bunch of divorced, working class baby boomers, people in their late thirties/early forties, and then a few younger folks (not as many as you'd find in most bars) in the 21-30 range. In addition, there was this horrendously mixed instrumental house music band playing to make the vibe of the place even weirder. Anyways, the generational clusterf**k that was this bar is not the topic of this thread, but rather just serves to give you a better idea of the place.
After getting past the ID check, I run into this chubby boomer lady who asks me "they let you in here?" in a fairly condescending manner, to which I respond in a sort of surprised, but friendly manner "Yeah, apparently. Pretty crazy, huh?" After my response, she throws me this sort of disgusted look and I move on. I wanted to say something sarcastic and biting, but held my tongue because I suspected she had some equally fat, drunken boomer man toy around somewhere who she'd go cry to. Why would you ask this kind of question for any other reason than to put somebody down?
This is one of the few times anything like this has happened to me, but I always hear about it on here, so go ahead and tell your stories about people in bars or parties giving you s**t because you look <21. Is there anything you can say to sort of diffuse the situation beyond ignoring it or blowing them off? For you older aspies who had the boyish look into your early twenties, when did you start looking at least 21? Most people say I look around 19 and I'm actually 23.