I took the time to look up your other threads since the other posters made referrance to them, and I have to agree, you are bringing this response on with your posts. (that in no way excuses rudeness however) Think before you post and this won't happen.
NeantHumain wrote:
First of all, I'm not going to lie or sugar-coat the truth with what I think you'd prefer to hear. I don't really know anything about that forum other than what I saw in the particular thread you linked to. However, not a single poster to that thread (I didn't literally read every post, but I read most of them) seemed to be bating you or insulting you. Many of them, in fact, sounded particularly emotionally mature in their responses whereas you remained somewhat childish, honestly.
Asperger's syndrome is not a trump card you can pull out whenever someone disagrees with your point of view to force them to act more as you wish they would. You're no more entitled to special treatment than anyone else.
You can politely ask them to take into consideration certain differences when they are making posts in response to yours and ask that they avoid offensive stereotyping of people with Asperger's syndrome, but beyond that I'm afraid you can't dictate the mood of the forum from on high. If you really dislike it so much, you can just leave the forum or work with like-minded individuals together to reform the community. The way you handled the situation generally hardens people into the stand they've already taken because, if they changed their minds now, they would feel as if they've given in to a temper tantrum.
I hate hearing, "you don't seem autistic/aspie". I have a nagging suspicion most people have no idea what autistic or aspie "seem" like in the first place...