I'm friends with five girls, and the size of the group is ten to fifteen people, depending on the day. Originally I didn't mind it too much because I felt a part of the group, even with the people that I am not friends with. But since this last school year, I've been finding myself avoiding them though for many reasons. I find that I am only tolerated by some of the group because I'm not outgoing like them and they don't really get me. They don't understand why I don't laugh during their jokes, which never make sense to me. They're really LOUD too, and I've been more sensitive lately to sounds. But the five friends I have I really like though, and I do want to hang out with them even though I have to deal with the group. I know I won't hang out with some of the five friends otherwises - we don't share classes and they don't ever just hang out alone.
I do have other friends that I can hang out with, but I miss these friends a lot.
I don't know what I want from you guys, maybe just to listen or give some advice if you can.