This is really down-to-earth. Though I don't agree with every point you make, it is very refreshing to see you applying your principles to the real world, and giving real-world examples in everyday language to back your claims up. You real-world experience, though, makes me lose faith in people in general - especially this recurring theme of lame excuses. Did they expect you to actually believe these? I thought high school was brutal, but I was ignored - not constantly bullied, ridiculed, etc (okay, maybe behind my back?).
Often, though, I wish people would be honest and say "I don't want to hang out with you". I try to be very explicit about things like that, and when I am with friends ("friends"?) and asked to do stuff I make sure to explain the exact reasons I can and cannot do something, and try to make alternate plans to ensure they know I want to hang out with them - I just can't.