It drives me crazy. But I've seen NT friends do it to other NT friends, and whoever I hang around will usually have some gripe with someone else in the group. This happens in every group I've ever hung out with, whether it was in middle school, high school, or college. And then they'll go back and be friends with the person again, like nothing ever happened.
I know that you can talk behind someone's back and still be friends with that person. Now I pretty much assume that my friends talk behind my back. I've heard people label me as a freak/weirdo at first, and then discover I'm a pretty neat person later. Many of my friends thought I was really strange but eventually warmed up to me. Sometimes their problems are really minor things, too.
One time I was taking pictures of buildings when I was out at night with my friends, but one of my friends thought I was taking pictures of him and freaked out. Then the entire group freaked out. But eventually the entire problem got soothed over, and I never even knew about it until summer, once they had figured out I wasn't a crazy stalker. XD
I'll freak out and have an internal panic attack if I learn someone is gossiping about me, but I also feel like that's blowing the problem out of proportion. The group I mentioned before are still my friends, and they still invite me to outings occasionally.
NTs have the strength to forgive and forget, because gossip is a fact of life for them and it doesn't hurt them much. But since it hurts many aspies so much more, it's a lot harder for us.