This is the first time I have started a topic on here, and I don't really know what I want in response from anyone.
I really feel alone right now; I have a handful of people who I considered to be friends, and they are right now all together having a good time while I lay on my couch miserable. They are mostly on Facebook, and they knew from my posts there that I had no plans for the night. One friend would invite another out, but nobody thought to contact me. I waited for the phone call, but it never came. I even threw together a costume (I was going to be Glenn Beck wearing a tin foil hat; the nerve of me to make fun of someone else being nuts...) in the hopes that someone would contact me..but nothing. It's not like I could just invite myself; that's bad manners, and maybe they don't want me there.
I mean, sure I'm not the life of the party and I go into my usual thousand-yard stare when I run out of things to say, not knowing what the others think of me and usually assuming the worst, but I'm certainly not an unpleasant person to be around; I can even manage to say something funny and clever every now and again. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I may have all the social skills of a particleboard endtable from Ikea, but I crave social interaction just like anyone else.
I just don't feel like anyone (outside of family) cares about me, and those who seem like they do just walk all over me in the end. Maybe my problem is that I don't interact with more people like me, but they're few and far between here.
I don't know...
My fellow Americans. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball; but tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!