I think it's normal to be nervous about it and concerned, just try to take precautions. Meet in a public place if you can and have some activity to do besides stare at each other to overcome the nervousness (outdoor concert, etc). Don't give away details like where you live, etc at first. I have met up with three people I met online. The first was through a local meetup group. The other two I met on a forum and I knew they lived in the area (none were of the opposite sex, which probably made it a bit less risky for me). I didn't really follow my own advice on these because I ended up going to their houses, which isn't really that smart and has been known to end badly in some cases. One (the one I met through Meetup) I became good friends with, another I am okay friends with, and the other the meeting was uncomfortable and I didn't have any desire to see her again. I have also run into people online who spun me completely false stories or were supposed to meet up and it turned out they were lying about everything, so be careful. But I wouldn't count it out completely. There are some decent people you can meet online.