MathGirl wrote:
You know, when we've met you this Saturday, that was one thing I could really identify with you on. Very often when I try to explain myself to someone and they don't understand what I'm trying to explain to them, another person comes along and restates it in a different way and then my conversation partner suddenly understands. And I could never figure out why it was so hard for me to find the right words! Sometimes I'm good at explaining myself, but sometimes I get stuck and keep restating what I'm trying to say in different ways in hopes that the other person would understand what I'm getting at.
Thank goodness for those essential thoughts of understanding. Sometimes I’ll keep trying to explain things in hopes that I’ll understand what I’m getting at. Though usually that’s a futile exercise and it takes the other person to pull me out of the loop. And it’s those moments when they find those choice words when that happens.
To use your dot analogy, it’s those moments when a person changes from a black dot to a white one.
It’s like they are a conceptual inciting incident creating a mind space complementary to further learning/understanding. Allowing the brain to process and function. A relief, really. The challenge then is to keep that mental state active.
The utter frustration of not finding those words in the first place... a perpetual state of Presque-Vu but with whole concepts not single words.
forwards not backwards, upwards not forwards, and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom