^ I will meet you, if you like, blue_bean.
tektek, that's a good idea about adding information about ourselves,
so this is a bit about me :
My real name is Matthew, I was born in New Zealand and moved to the Gold Coast
in 1981 (after the divorce
) when I was 13.
I was quiet and shy for most of my life
but have really become more outgoing and engaging and personable from about 35 onwards. (Life really does start at 40, especially for aspies
I have had 2 major relationships in my life, both wonderfully amazing and intensely
loving, but ended within a year, followed by long periods of heartbreak and confusion,
self-doubt and self-imposed isolation. Again, typical aspy.
I am a Nursery owner and manager, not through my own initiative,
but in partnership with my brother, who thinks big and is ambitious and determined.
I love my job, I love plants and their role and relationship with the insects and animals that depend on them in Australia's amazing ecology!
I study plants continuously, partly in an effort to increase my propagating skills
but mostly because my anxiety forces me to focus on anything that... you guys know what it's like.
I love Australia, it's like a big zoo to me.
I spend my free time exploring the bush and searching for 'treasures'
-flowers, plants, seeds ,insects, critters.
I went up to Mt Coo-tha Botanic Gardens yesterday, It was brilliant!
I found a Turtle! Woot! If i had remembered in the moment, I would have got my friend to take a picture of me holding it. It could have been my first picture posted on WP,
I have been procrastinative and shy about photo's so far,
hopefully I'll change that soon!
My main obsession, before plants, and still, is escapist fantasy,
particularly Sci-Fi !
I think 'fantasy' feeds my fitness and training regimen too.
I discovered Yoga about 10 years ago, after the years of running, swimming and Martial Arts ruined my body. I trained TOO hard, on my own, without supervision, out of books.
I practice Yoga asana's daily, I have to because my back complains mightily at work
when I am lifting trays of plants around all day.
I have also researched Yoga's effects physiologically, it's History and Philosophy, intensely.
I consider it the most perfect training technique for the human body ever devised.
It is comprehensive in it's improvement to every bodily system.
It strengthens, massages, tones and stretches bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and internal organs.
It is gentle yet strenuous.
It gives me the energy and freedom to live voraciously!
Given all that, I also smoke and drink!
Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!
I think that's tied up with my 'routine' issues.
I am a joker and love to laugh!
I am sweet natured, sympathetic, joyful, honest, thoughtful and completely non-aggressive, at my best.
At my worst, I am impatient, arrogant, angry, evasive, morbid and desultory,
but I would never express this in public unless I was pushed into a melt-down.
I would run away first.
WP has really made a huge difference to my life, it helped enormously me through the worst times immediately after my dx at 39, when I had a nervous breakdown
and I treasure every aspy here as a similar soul struggling with the added intricacies that life with Aspergers Sydrome imposes on us all.
Having it emphasized that we're not not defective, just different is, the single most important message that WP gives us.
I've made and met some wonderful friends here
and will probably keep contributing here for the rest of my life!
Phew, That will do for now!
Hope I didn't bore you all.
Oh no I've said too much, haven't said enough...
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle