This guy, I don't know whoever he is, the root of my self-confidence.
When I look into his face, I feel better.
1) If I will be in a planned social situation as a must
(makes me feel irritated) such as using public transportation, going to place never been before, talking to people never met before, waiting in a line, going to a governmental institute or hosptial... I look to the photo of this guy
2) If I feel depressed
about my negative-sides I look to the photo of this guy
3) If I feel emberassed
, not feeling a part of the society I simply look to the photo of this guy
Then I say to myself,
You are much more intelligent than him
You are looking to life from a completely different perspective, and he don't even know the meaning of perspective
You are more educated than him
You can evalutate things logically, and this guy probably have a brain that can't work everytime.
You are much more better than this silly guy. If he can do the things easily that I stated in 1),2),3), I can do much better, because I am BETTER than him.
And my quesrions;
1) Do you have a similar trait that make you feel better?
2) Is the thing that I'm doing wrong, and causes me to have other problems, or I currently have problems?
3) What do you think about the guy on the photo?
I've used my foreign language in the message above, so please inform me about lingual mistakes that I've possibly made in there!