Seanybaby wrote:
Where ever I go in my college....iPods and PSP's are in many people's hands. All I've got is a cheap CD player. Do you have to own either one in order to be popular or "with it"? Gah, I'm so sick of these hip, teenage urban cultures setting examples for everyone else.
What is the point in buying something for someone else,effectively?
Buy it if you like it,and want it,but stick with the CD player if that is all you need/want.
Also, gamers say it's better to own a PSP than a DS. Stupid generalization!! !!

If they are speaking for themselves,it's true,but certainly they cannot speak for everyone,as there are many out there who prefer the DS over the PSP.
In terms of hardware,the PSP is a superior piece of kit,but the games and functions of both are purely a matter of personal liking.
I think the PSP is worth the money if going to be taking advantage of most/all functions,with a large capacity memory stick,there's the opportunity for putting anything on it,Music,Emus,cartoons,even OS' such as Linux distros and Windows.
I've got a 512mb stick with mine which isn't too bad,and the original 32mb stick.
I don't own a PSP because its expensive, especially for a handheld, and hardly anything made for the PSP sparks interest for me, except for maybe GTA: Liberty City Stories
It's going to be released on the playstation 2 [which may or may not apply to you depending on whether you have one or not]
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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