I'm always thinking how people think about me. And I have Asperger Syndrome.
When I see a girl I like, I will always try to walk with somebody who is higher in the social ranking.
When I see a teacher looking at me, I don't want to look retarted and I try to laugh or make a joke with my friends so they don't think I'm silly (so the teachers don't think i'm silly).
I will always try to wear nice clothes and I'm sometimes arrogant.
When somebody says a joke against me I will answer serious or assertive, because I think the pupils who watch my friend saying a joke to me did not understand it was a joke.
When I'm with my friends at school, I remember I would tell this as a joke (but I was serious, but it would sound weird when I told this serious) come on lets sit on the bench, the only people who arent sitting on the bench are the nerds from the 3th year, and if we dont sit the people will categorize us a the 4th nerd group.
I was always wondering if I'm just a crazy narcist, psychopat, anxiety disorder guy, adhd, add, bipolar.. Doesn't matter what.
I hope somebody can answer, I can give some more real life examples. I hope somebody can see himself in this.
(sorry for my english I speak french at home, and dutch at school)