To be up front, I'm an atheist and have a hard time with the “god told me to do it” excuse.
People make their own choices for their own reasons whether they claim “god told them to do it” or not. This person is making a decision to cut you off. If you buy the “god told me to do it” excuse then your questions should be directed to that god. But since you are directing them here, I suspect you don't accept it.
One way to look at it is the person wants to cut you off but doesn't want to take the blame for hurting you so she sloughs the blame off on god. Too many people claim to know the mind of god and use it as an excuse to commit anything from minor infractions on up to gross atrocities. People need to take responsibility for their own actions and choices regardless of their beliefs. (Okay, I'll stop ranting now)
I assume that the text is a direct quote. From the tone, it sounds like the person may indeed believe what she has written or is working hard to convince herself that she believes it. She may honestly feel that to do the right thing for you, she has to back away.
But I think the key phrase is “I know you are not a bad person, princess Holly.” The fact that she feels she must point this out suggests there might be some question as to whether you are a bad person or not. I don't know you and I can't make a conclusion one way or the other, but clearly the writer believes there might be some question here.
Perhaps you have done something that has hurt the writer. Or perhaps you hold an opinion or belief that the writer does not like and thus she wants to imply you might be a bad person and that god won't let you and her play together.
As painful as it might be, it may be useful to accept that you cannot control anyone else's thoughts or behavior. The only person you can change is yourself. You may be able to express your thoughts in a clear argument and influence a person's opinion, but you cannot make her think anything other than what she will think. If this person chooses to use an excuse to reject you, she is going to do that regardless of any underlying beliefs.
If the reasons for her rejection of you can be traced back to your own actions, you have a chance of changing what you do in the future and perhaps either win back her friendship or avoid future rejections from other people. Just be careful not to throw away what is good in yourself in the hopes of winning back false friends.
If her rejection is something she decided on because of her own closed mind or some misguided belief, there is little you can do to change her. Perhaps the best you can do is to move on and hope for the best in future relationships.
I wish you the best of luck,