Does anyone agree with this? If you look at joing a class for a sport or activity, say swimming for example. The age groups will be like 5-10, 10-14, 14-16 and then adults...When I've been looking for an acitivity to do outside of school or my house my age makes it a bit awkward what age groups to join. I mean I'm not yet 18 but my age is not really part of the younger age groups either.
I much prefer looking at groups where age isn't really a problem although it is a bit weird to join an activity or group and find that you're by far the youngest one there. Although I guess it won't bother some people.
Sorry I may not be quite clear...
Here's an example of what I mean. I was looking at membership of the UK National Trust and you pay a year's membership but the membership age categories are:
18-25 etc
So seeing as I'm 17 and a half it makes it awkward to know which category to join...That should make sense.
Anyway as I said before does anyone agree with this? Or is maybe at a different awkward age for this sort of thing?
Am usually bored so PMs are welcome!
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ...