I voted that I am fond of them, but I think that's a lie. I love dogs and any animal who isn't human. I don't think that dogs sense you have autism, they sense if you're afraid. Fear is a great tool for hunting in the animal kingdom, so his immediate reaction is to pounce (this isn't all dogs, though, each one is an individual and exhibit different behaviors; my dog only shows aggressive behavior when she's provoked). Horses are the same way. They know that if you're afraid you're not in control, and then they can act awry. You have to hold your ground with animals just like how you do with people, it's just that animals are easier to break the barrier once the ritual of meeting someone new is complete. Animals are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, they just don't always think far enough ahead to think of possible consequences, and don't realize they are charging at YOU and not potential food.
This is going to sound way easier than it probably is, but the next time you see a dog, just don't be afraid. I might be wrong; it's just a hypothesis. If you get attacked, I'll take the blame. Practice walking up to smaller dogs (Shetland Sheepdogs, Boarder Collies, even Collies or English Sheepdogs even though they are very big dogs)--sheep dogs are usually very friendly, and since they are herding dogs, if anything they'll probably just want to round you up with the neighborhood kids, but will likely not jump on you. Dogs are individuals just like humans, and they can sense if you don't trust them, and honestly I think a lot of them will feel offended.
Anyway, good luck!
I am the wise little owl in the linden trees near the water.