b9 wrote:
apparently george bush was outgoing. i heard it on the new. he was referred to as "the outgoing president".
I've taken plenty of time listening to NT conversations, there's a lot talking about someone else. Nothing rude, but just simply talking about someone else. But it's not as bad as you think, there's plenty of topic oriented conversations to be had, you just don't stick to one topic. Usually it flows, I will even use my main interest (music, a popular hobby) as a conversation starter.
Condensed conversation example:
A--me, B--friend
A: "The Vines are working on a 5th album"
B: "That the band who's singer freaks out on stage?"
A: "Yeah."
B: "It's like he's possessed"
A: "At least we don't need priests throwing themselves out the window like in The Exorcist.
B: "Scary movie. Don't watch it when you're high. Hey, have you seen that "Shutter Island?! That was pretty crazy too"
A: "Nah, can't get to a theater, no car, remember?"
B: "Oh yeah..."
A: "Can't get to U-Fest either, cool lineups, even Throwdown's gonna play this year.
B: "I'll probably be going, I'll give you a ride so let's just hope that I don't lose it in the moshpit and we gotta leave early again like last year."
A: "Oh yeah, that skinhead who's jaw you broke?!"
B: "That a**holehad it coming. But those f*****g cops, man"
A: "Yeah, that's bullcrap. It's a moshpit, was the p**** expecting everyone to play nice and then call the cops when he gets hurt?!"
That right there is a fake conversation between myself and an NT friend I just threw together, but it is a perfect example. It's still topic oriented (in fact it's a mixup of previous conversations we've had), but it's a good example of the "drifting" as previously mentioned. Don't worry, there's single-topic exchanges that go on much longer if they need to be discussed (hopefully you'll recognize them). It flows, bro!!
One of my keys to success: Watch/listen and learn don't just try and guess the cues of the person you are speaking with, listen to yourself as well as your friend/acquaintance/stranger. Imagine you were spectating from a 3rd person perspective.