Willard wrote:
You're just noticing this? Oy, vey!
Maybe I'm a bit naive, but I always tried to believe there is at least some decency in most people. That, unfortunately, I find harder and harder to believe.
Willard wrote:
As if it weren't enough that the masses behave this way on a day-to-day basis, we're now all forced to endure a steady diet of television programs devoted to celebrating and documenting this sort of behavior. And this is the wonderful 'norm' from which we are ostracized and excluded. Thank gods for small favors!
It's one of the reasons I stopped watching television altogether, but it does indeed further alienate you if you do so.
Willard wrote:
You know, the defeatist curmudgeons can bluster all they want about how we should just 'admit AS is a disorder and not a gift', but I'm coming to believe the human race is in general so stupid and self-involved that if it weren't for the occasional Autistic free thinker, nothing constructive or useful would ever be conceived or implemented at all.
Amen, brother! Having worked in various multi-national corporations as well as small companies and having had numerous social contacts with people of all races and social backgrounds the superficial and unreliable nature of man is a pattern I see everywhere.
One's just a greater f***-up or worse at hiding it than the other. One does wonder how many of the great scientists and philosophers this world has known were actually Aspies, although I'm not so certain the average Aspie is any better. I've been to a few Aspie meetings and I couldn't really say the people I met there were that much better. Hell, the folks on "Aspies for Freedom" may be even worse...
Willard wrote:
Lex Luthor wrote:
"People are no damn good. But they will always need land."
Some say humans are nothing but a parasitic virus with a slightly enlarged brain. I'd say they're probably right.
Last edited by Salonfilosoof on 11 Mar 2010, 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.