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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Jun 2017, 11:43 am

Anyone here spit completely uncontrollably when they talk? I will read a news story from my phone to someone, and when i am done it will be covered in little dots. And i work customer service phones, if i sit too close to the monitors they get disgusting.:/ This is definitely socially concerning, and it could be related to these issues i suppose. The only verbal problem i had to have speech therapy for was i pronounced all my R's as W's. But does anyone else have this problem?


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04 Jun 2017, 1:50 pm

just my intuition, but it sounds like your salivary glands are overactive. :D

i can't say i have that problem myself, but if i do...very mildly. i know my dad does it often though. evolution probably did not favor those who left their bodily fluids everywhere after speaking...but then again, speaking in itrself is likely "unnatural" as well.

what speech sounds usually cause the spitting? plosives?

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04 Jun 2017, 3:20 pm

I used to do this as a kid a lot and my sister recommended swallowing my saliva before I started to talk. So simple yet it worked.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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04 Jun 2017, 4:15 pm

I try to be mindful, but there's always so much to hold in my head to try to "pass" that some things get forgotten, not even thought about, especially if i am on a roll talking about something. It's not like a shower, and to be honest i don't know exactly what sounds it happens on, i don't see it leave my mouth, i just notice the aftermath. :/


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06 Jun 2017, 2:03 am

try swallowing your accumulated saliva before starting a long spiel.

what have you tried, to spit less?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Jun 2017, 7:30 am

Yeah, try to keep my mouth dry when i talk, just not always something i always think about.


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06 Jun 2017, 9:44 am

There are times when saliva comes out when I talk to somebody.

I have to be aware of this, and keep a close watch on it.

People really don't like being spit upon---even small amounts.