I am friends with a couple of people out of pity. The thing is I understand what it is like to be an outsider. I know the pain of social isolation and I don't want anyone to feel that way. These women I am friends with are genuinely nice people, but I don't feel like we are on the same level at times.
One has learning difficulties and she is just such a sweet girl. She is 22, but looks about 35. She's a funny lass and finds it hard to get on with others her own age and is often upset about it and I am there for her if she needs to talk. But we are not on the same intellectual level and she doesn't understand alot of things and I find her tiring to talk to at times, but she always cheers me up. She loves people. That's how we met, she just started talking away to me. I was a complete stranger to her but she just blethered away to me. I envy that in a way because I don't ever have much to say. It makes us a perfect combination. She rabbits away and I let her. She doesn't understand though, that she can be very intense to some people and if she toned it down a bit she would get on with people better. But she's so lonely she gets really excited and very talkative if she actually has someone to talk to.
Another has difficult social skills. She is very loud, but doesn't understand that she is. She has trouble with friendships and doesn't know why and I relate alot to her. She has no dress sense at all and looks older than she is. She is very intellegent but not with social situations, just like me. Sometimes I wonder if I should subtly suggest she read up about aspergers as I think she is definately on the spectrum, but I would never force the idea on to her.
The other is older than me and she's a funny lassie too. She has a tendancy to stare at you for too long and very intensely. I find her hard to talk to when it's just the two of us, but I feel sorry for her because she is on her own and I think that she would dearly love to be in a relationship.
I feel like if I don't take the time to look out for other people, who will? I am single and free and I don't have children to look after, so I feel in a way it is sort of my role in life to look after to waifs and strays because I am available and have the time. Sometimes it annoys me that I'm always the one that has to support the people no one else can be bothered with, but I am one of those people too, so we support each other.