zeldapsychology wrote:
Aimless wrote:
Well, I know someone who could be AS and she alienates everyone by complaining all the time, talking only about herself and won't let anybody finish their sentences. She wears them out. I think it can be a case of seeming to come on too intensely and not giving people space. But that's just one scenario.
WOW! I think I did this to my Psychology teacher (not giving her space talk talk talk etc.) but I had no one ELSE to talk to about Psychology.

(Still don't) but you made a good point perhaps I wear them out and I do believe I come on too strong (with interest AND trying to make friends) When I get back in College I'm hoping to change that.

It's hard not to act how you feel and I understand how it is to be absorbed with someone. The only difference with me is I'm shy and fearful of rejection and so I don't approach unless asked. I need to be more assertive. Another problem I've got with hanging out is boredom. I am not interested in gossip. I actually enjoy hanging out with family members more than other people. You might try some calming exercises. I changed a lot of the way I think and look at things and I am more at peace because of it, but it doesn't happen overnight. It's so easy to fall back into old habits. You have to have one part of your mind separate to monitor your thoughts and challenge them. For instance, if I have an immediately negative reaction to someone, I try to challenge myself on why. It could be it's really just envy. Someone new started at one of the offices I clean and since she was pretty and thin and socially competent, I figured she had to be shallow. Actually, I was wrong. She's very bright and down to Earth.