I've been homeschooled since grade 8, and im so bored, isolated and lonely. I tryed going to high school in 9th grade, but It was horrible. I was SO overwhelmed. I have mild as, if there is such a thing, I can be VERY social and have actually gotten in trouble for talking to much in one of my classes in 7th grade. But that is only if I have a friend in that class that I will talk, it makes things alot easier for some reason, eye contact is hard for me, talking to people i dont know (but once I know them I can talk quite alot)
. In 9th grade there were just to many people, I Could not find my classes, and was late to all of them and it was super embarassing walking into a classroom when everyone is already in there and the teacher is talking and then everyone looks at you (this was SUPER weird because I knew these kids from 7th grade) My sister will be in the same grade as me because im 9th grade because I fell behind in middle school.
Does anybody have any tips? my mom says she Will NOT withdraw me this time, she has done this 2 years in a row. My sister say's she will try to find me someone to sit with as she does not want me to sit with her because shes scared im going to "embarass her"
Im also super scared of tornadoes happening when I am away. I have my animals and my quilts, and my very important things!