This is long winded, but it's from my heart, and I don't want to hold anything back. If you like any of the pursuits I cite, please know this isn't an attack on you personally. Seeing as only WP members will read this, I'm assuming you're much nicer and thoughtful than the people I rant about- I'm just being honest.
I've always considered myself kinda geeky, especially when I was younger. but I think I've become disillusioned with the anime/video game/ comic book/sci-fi subculture. I've always been quiet and had social insecurities, so I always felt more comfortable around hobbyists and people with more intellectual interests, because they tended to be slightly on the outside, and more accepting of me. It seemed, in fact, the "normals" were all meanies. But as I got older.... it kinda got switched around. I noticed it when I got to community college. Time and again, when I try to make friends with hard core gamers, I've experienced extreme elitism, cliquishness, appalling selfishness and hurtful rudeness. I find it odd, because most of these fellows don't seem to have much to be elitist about. I'd try to initiate conversation, and no matter how casual or nice I was, I'd always get this pissy, disgruntled look. I tried joining an anime club at my college, and I've met some nice people, but the main clique was so tightly nit, I never felt accepted, even after two years . It seems if you're not as into their hobby to the degree they are, they don't like you for some reason. You can't just like video games- it has to be your life. You can't just like a few animes- it's all you're allowed to be interested it. Fortunately people have recently come forward and called them out on this nonsense, but they shouldn't have been like that in the first place. I tried to advocate for myself once, but the dictatress who everyone Kao-toud to would get defensive, justify it, and under the rug the issue would go. I went to another college and joined a literature club, but the people who ran it were extreme gamers, and darned if they weren't nasty as all hell. Acted like they were too good once they got into their gaming group. I think I posted about them once here. I think this post is turning out to be long enough, so I won't list more examples like this, but I do have them.
I'm in a dungeons and dragons gaming group, and fortunately they don't treat people this way. I brought the issue up on Saturday to see if I was the only one who noticed this behavior pattern. One agreed with me totally, but several just said that it runs the gamut, so to speak. I hate to pigeon hole people, but I think it's more than a coincidence. It can't just be me getting unlucky, and seeing as I haven't had that experience with more conventional clubs or organizations, I'm gonna just become prejudice. With that said, as of tonight, the 11th of May, if I meet someone who seems to nail the stereotype... I'm gonna just keep walking and save myself the hurt.