Who says aspies don't have a sense of humor...

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20 Jan 2006, 3:08 pm

I went to my first ASL/ASW meeting last night.

It was myself and four other aspies roughly my age. We spent the evening watching MST3K and playing a politcally correct board game called "ungame" where we went around the board answering questions about ourselves.

Anyways, we were half taking it seriously, making sarcastic answers to questions and what not when someone cracked a joke and made one of the members shoot cherry coke out of his nose.

And I always thought that was an expression.

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20 Jan 2006, 3:15 pm

:( I wish there was a local Aspie group where I live, where we could meet up and do 'social' stuff like that. (Maybe I should start one 8O )

Anyhow, anyone who says Aspies don't have a sense of humor obviously hasn't met a wide range of Aspies :P

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20 Jan 2006, 4:06 pm

Of course we have a sense of humor! They just don't get our jokes!


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20 Jan 2006, 5:07 pm

aylissa wrote:
Of course we have a sense of humor! They just don't get our jokes!

It's where our ture sofistcated nature comes out. :D

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20 Jan 2006, 5:20 pm

That's what I've always told myself, cutie, I mean chaos.


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20 Jan 2006, 5:38 pm

Scoots5012 wrote:
...a politcally correct board game called "ungame" where we went around the board answering questions about ourselves.

Anyways, we were half taking it seriously, making sarcastic answers to questions ...

Only way to survive that game. Taking it totally seriously, in a warm fuzzy mutually harmonious way could be dangerous to your health.

I suggest next time, to promote "balance" (good word, that) you take something seriously non-PC, like "Escape from Altlantis" where most characters end up dead, or "Man the Lifeboat" which demonstrates what havoc pure democratic principles can wreak.

Yes, I have a collection of odd board games...
And a sense of humour.
Black and twisted at times,
but still a sense of humour.


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20 Jan 2006, 5:45 pm

Emettman wrote:
Only way to survive that game. Taking it totally seriously, in a warm fuzzy mutually harmonious way could be dangerous to your health.

One reason why I always mess with people's pieces when we all play Monoploy. They just don't get how cute the dog looks wearing the hat.

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20 Jan 2006, 8:22 pm

My sense of humour is different to most of the people I have ever met.

NTs think I laugh at "stupid things that aren't funny". I think alot of the people at this site laugh at "stupid things that aren't funny".

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22 Jan 2006, 3:54 pm

There have been things said that have made a group I was in burst into laughter, but was not funny enough for me. I was once critiquing artwork and made a comment I was trying to be serious about to the class. They roared at it, but I was not trying to be funny. I guess my humor is way different

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26 Jan 2006, 6:53 pm

Humour is the only way I can interact with people. By insulting them in a fashion that's not really insulting them, it seems to have a similar effect to small talk. Only it all feels very fake and stuff but it's better than just not saying anything with a blank expression on your face.

To all of my friends:

Wait, never mind.

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24 Apr 2006, 6:59 pm

Always been a bit of a jokester myself (or try to be :lol: )....hey Airplane! has always been one of my favorite movies


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24 Apr 2006, 9:49 pm

I can make people laugh but instead of making "jokes" per se - I usually just make funny observations that people tend to miss and comment on that. Although - others tend to laugh when I make factual comments too - but then I'm not trying to be funny. I think maybe the way I say it sounds sarcastic - like one time when the cat was curled up kind of weird my son asked why the cat's side kept going up and down and I told him "It's called breathing". That made the NTs in the house laugh - but my son understood the short answer to his question.

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24 Apr 2006, 10:10 pm

I love how facts can be funny if said properly. I've also always felt a strong connection to computer geek humor. Computer science does tend to attract aspies. I always liked The Jargon File which documents computer geek jargon, which largely consists of words that have double meanings, have be misappropriated from pop culture to mean something slightly and humorously different, and ridiculous acronyms. I mean, there is something call the the Hurd, which is a strange acronym:
"According to Thomas Bushnell, BSG, the primary architect of the Hurd:

`Hurd' stands for `Hird of Unix-Replacing Daemons'. And, then, `Hird' stands for `Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depth'. We have here, to my knowledge, the first software to be named by a pair of mutually recursive acronyms."
There is also the BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell) series of stories about an evil tech guy http://bofh.ntk.net/Bastard.html.


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25 Apr 2006, 9:52 am

Tolian wrote:
Humour is the only way I can interact with people. By insulting them in a fashion that's not really insulting them, it seems to have a similar effect to small talk. Only it all feels very fake and stuff but it's better than just not saying anything with a blank expression on your face.

I'm that exact same way, Tolian. When I talk socially, light teasing insults/remarks usually constitutes a large part of what I say. I don't feel like I'm faking it, but it doesn't come out when I'm with people I don't know, which sucks.

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17 May 2006, 2:25 pm

My humour is witty comebacks rather than jokes.
My wit can be 'sledgehammer wit'. (see Basil Fawlty's wit)

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17 May 2006, 2:55 pm

Wow. That's so *me* too - the witty comebacks, the wry humor... My MIL thinks I'm picking on or insulting my hubby, and to me, I'm just being sweet and all when I tease or talk to him as I do. It never crossed my mind that she was taking it the wrong way until he told me she said that to him! I was baffled! *sigh*

Don't you feel like retreating when that stuff happens sometimes?? It's just me to be like this, and now I am always on guard around her, and others like that. My whole family is Aspie, so I really feel like a stranger in a strange land out there. :?